Should I be bulking or cutting? Little help please.

I've been working out for around 11 months now and have definitely seen some muscle gains during that time, but I'm now beginning to think I've stuck and I'm just starting to get podgy again.

I'm 25, 5ft 10 and weigh about 182lb which has remained the same weight the entire time I've been working out. I've ordered fat calipers and tape measures so I can work out my BF%, but I estimate it to be somewhere in the late teens early 20's.

Here's a photo of my current progress to give you an idea of where I'm at.


I'm struggling to gain weight even with clearing 3600 calories a day on a relatively sedentary lifestyle, bar my 60 minute weight workout 5 days a week.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I wouldn't say you "need" to gain anymore right now, but I could say the same about losing. You look relatively lean still. So it's you call really, if you want more muscle / mass, then bulk for a bit longer. But if you want to get leaner and see more definition then I'd cut.

    Personally, as it's coming up to winter, and you look like you could go either way, I would bulk for a little bit, and cut when it's approaching the warmer weather.
  • GoatBoat66
    You could eat at maintenance, lift heavy, and hope for some re-composition. Or just bulk. It's winter.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    It's winter.


    What is your current workout and what is your diet like now?
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    You're around 15%, I would cut.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Personally, as it's coming up to winter, and you look like you could go either way, I would bulk for a little bit, and cut when it's approaching the warmer weather.

    This. Bulking is fun. If you are having trouble gaining, first make sure you are doing a hypertrophy program (lots of volume) and eat even more.
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    No advice, but you're hot. Like Jared Leto hot.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Holiday cutting seems unnecessarily cruel... maybe wait until after the holidays and then cut, and just work on increasing your weight.

    BTW, love your Ninja Turtles shirt in your profile pic :)
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    I would cut, as well. You don't want to bulk at too high a body fat percentage. I know Lyle McDonald puts the end mark at 15% for guys - I'm a bit more lenient and recommend ending a bulk at 18%.
  • beezerphd
    beezerphd Posts: 136 Member
    No advice, but you're hot. Like Jared Leto hot.

    Haha so Bat**** crazy hot then.

    I'll take it as a compliment cos he's a pretty good looking bloke for his age.

    What is your current workout and what is your diet like now?

    My diary is open to anyone who wishes to look at my eating habits. I lift heavy 5 days a week. Usually with a split of

    Monday - Chest and Tri's
    Tuesday - Back and Biceps
    Wed - Shoulders
    Thursday - Arms and Abs
    Friday - Legs
  • beezerphd
    beezerphd Posts: 136 Member
    Is there a possibility of doing a mini-cut at all or is that not really a feasible option?
  • dawson55510
    dawson55510 Posts: 197 Member
    Why arms twice a week mate? if training weights naturally for growth i would train weights no more than 4 days a week, rest is key for growth
  • beezerphd
    beezerphd Posts: 136 Member
    Why arms twice a week mate? if training weights naturally for growth i would train weights no more than 4 days a week, rest is key for growth

    The Monday and Tuesday arms is only really minimal work on them, so perhaps doing a couple of sets of tricep extensions after finishing my chest. I sometimes can't be bothered doing them on the Monday or Tuesday so keep the thursday free as a sort of fall back option. If I do them on Monday or Tuesday then I'll do some BJJ drills instead.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    My diary is open to anyone who wishes to look at my eating habits. I lift heavy 5 days a week. Usually with a split of

    Monday - Chest and Tri's
    Tuesday - Back and Biceps
    Wed - Shoulders
    Thursday - Arms and Abs
    Friday - Legs

    Maybe i did it wrong, but clicking on your profile it looks like it's locked. Also in general I find it better for a person to describe their own diet. I don't care if you ate 3 wheat thins yesterday or 5 the day before, but are you on a specific paradigm? Do you just focus on calories or do you look at macronutrients as well? How much protein and fat do you try to get in each day (and do you pull it off most days)? Etc. I ask for more specifics because, regardless of if you choose to bulk or cut, if you can't gain weight on 3600 calories I think you may want to look at what exactly it is your eating before going forward.

    With respect to the workout I was more looking for a bit more specifics. What lifts are you doing? What's your current max in your main lifts for those days and what are you using for working weight? I ask about this because, especially when you decide to start bulking, having a solid hypertrophy program in place is pretty crucial. Judging by your profile pic I'll say that you're not pulling in the curl rack, so you're half way there =).

    I would tend to agree with Rock on this one. From what I can tell a good rule of thumb for most guys is to cut until they have very visible and defined abs, and then to bulk until they have barely visible abs. Obviously guys who don't get abs until like 5% BF or whatever this doesn't apply to, but it's a decent starting point if you don't want to worry about calipers and crap (if you do, cut to 8-10, bulk to 15 or so).

    More important than that though, do you think you need to lose weight or gain? Are you happy with how you look right now? If yes, to hell with our advice and keep doing what you're doing.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Is there a possibility of doing a mini-cut at all or is that not really a feasible option?

    You can absolutely do mini cuts (same goes for bulking). There's no set time frame that this stuff has to be done in.
  • beezerphd
    beezerphd Posts: 136 Member
    My diary is open to anyone who wishes to look at my eating habits. I lift heavy 5 days a week. Usually with a split of

    Monday - Chest and Tri's
    Tuesday - Back and Biceps
    Wed - Shoulders
    Thursday - Arms and Abs
    Friday - Legs

    Maybe i did it wrong, but clicking on your profile it looks like it's locked. Also in general I find it better for a person to describe their own diet. I don't care if you ate 3 wheat thins yesterday or 5 the day before, but are you on a specific paradigm? Do you just focus on calories or do you look at macronutrients as well? How much protein and fat do you try to get in each day (and do you pull it off most days)? Etc. I ask for more specifics because, regardless of if you choose to bulk or cut, if you can't gain weight on 3600 calories I think you may want to look at what exactly it is your eating before going forward.

    With respect to the workout I was more looking for a bit more specifics. What lifts are you doing? What's your current max in your main lifts for those days and what are you using for working weight? I ask about this because, especially when you decide to start bulking, having a solid hypertrophy program in place is pretty crucial. Judging by your profile pic I'll say that you're not pulling in the curl rack, so you're half way there =).

    I would tend to agree with Rock on this one. From what I can tell a good rule of thumb for most guys is to cut until they have very visible and defined abs, and then to bulk until they have barely visible abs. Obviously guys who don't get abs until like 5% BF or whatever this doesn't apply to, but it's a decent starting point if you don't want to worry about calipers and crap (if you do, cut to 8-10, bulk to 15 or so).

    More important than that though, do you think you need to lose weight or gain? Are you happy with how you look right now? If yes, to hell with our advice and keep doing what you're doing.

    I aim to hit 3600 calories whilst trying to hit my Macros too. On a daily basis I'm hitting about 3600 calories, 450 carbs, 120 fat and 180 protein. I'm a nightmare for not having breakfast so usually I'm aiming to get these in later on in the day.

    Chest days - Bench - 90kg barbell/3 reps/ 3 sets
    Incline Bench - as above
    Decline - 100kg/3 reps/3 sets superset with close grip bench with just barbell.
    Incline flyes - 17.5kg/8 reps/3 sets

    Back - Pullups - 3 sets/unassisted to failure then negatives to failure.
    Lat Pulldowns - 3 sets/120kg/8-10 reps
    Deadlifts - 3 sets/120kg/8-10 reps with a 160kg 1rm
    Seated cable rows - 3 sets/45kg/10 reps

    Shoulders - DB Shoulder press - 25kg each arm/ 4-6 reps/3 sets
    Side and Front raises - 15kg/10 reps/3 sets alternating side and front on a weekly basis.
    Upright Rows - 42.5kg/10 reps/3 sets superset of 120kg shrugs.

    Legs - Squat - 160kg/8-10 reps/3 sets
    Leg extensions - full stack(not sure exactly how heavy it is)/ 8 reps/3 sets/
    Leg curls - 15-20kg,10 reps/3 sets
    Calf raises - 160kg/8 reps/3 sets

    and so on....

    That's a rough breakdown of my usual workouts
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    No advice, but you're hot. Like Jared Leto hot.

  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I aim to hit 3600 calories whilst trying to hit my Macros too. On a daily basis I'm hitting about 3600 calories, 450 carbs, 120 fat and 180 protein. I'm a nightmare for not having breakfast so usually I'm aiming to get these in later on in the day.

    Chest days - Bench - 90kg barbell/3 reps/ 3 sets
    Incline Bench - as above
    Decline - 100kg/3 reps/3 sets superset with close grip bench with just barbell.
    Incline flyes - 17.5kg/8 reps/3 sets

    Back - Pullups - 3 sets/unassisted to failure then negatives to failure.
    Lat Pulldowns - 3 sets/120kg/8-10 reps
    Deadlifts - 3 sets/120kg/8-10 reps with a 160kg 1rm
    Seated cable rows - 3 sets/45kg/10 reps

    Shoulders - DB Shoulder press - 25kg each arm/ 4-6 reps/3 sets
    Side and Front raises - 15kg/10 reps/3 sets alternating side and front on a weekly basis.
    Upright Rows - 42.5kg/10 reps/3 sets superset of 120kg shrugs.

    Legs - Squat - 160kg/8-10 reps/3 sets
    Leg extensions - full stack(not sure exactly how heavy it is)/ 8 reps/3 sets/
    Leg curls - 15-20kg,10 reps/3 sets
    Calf raises - 160kg/8 reps/3 sets

    and so on....

    That's a rough breakdown of my usual workouts

    There's always going to be things to nitpick, but at the end of the day that's just mental *kitten*. Looks pretty good. Assuming you're up for it, go for the cut first, then bulk once you're leaner.
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    I run an almost identical split to yours. But I see you hit upper body 3 days in a row there. My best advice would be to do chest and tris, then throw legs day next or one of your 2 rest days, and then back and bis, after that hit a rest day. Just a suggestion, those are my two biggest upper body lift days so I try to break them up pretty good. Also (to your main question) I agree with an above poster that your probably in the 15-16% range, cutting for a bit longer would be best in my opinion. (I know it sucks lol, I've been so ready to start my bulk too and it's bulking season now) but I waiting for 12% before I start mine. But again, just a preference. Keep up the good work bro, look forward to seeing your progress eather way you decide to go! :)