Crazy weight fluctuations daily

Hi all!

Does anyone else experience major weight fluctuations? I weigh myself at the same time each morning and see major differences each day. I intake 1200-1400 net calories/day and usually burn about 500 calories 3-4 times/week at the gym.

My typical week looks something like this:
Monday: 210
Tuesday: 213.5
Wednesday: 215
Thursday: 211
Friday: 214
Saturday: 211.5
Sunday: 209.5


  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    My weight fluctuates for four reasons:

    1) Not enough water the day before
    2) Too much sodium the day before
    3) Bloating from PMS (I gain about seven pounds)
    4) Heavy workout the day before (muscles can retain water while repairing)
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Totally normal. Your weight can & will fluctuate due to a variety of things: muscles retaining fluid for repair after exercise, too much sodium, hormones, time-of-the-month, intestinal back-up (like you need to go #2 soon), etc.

    Accept that your weight will go up and down. If it freaks you out, put the scale away and only weigh in once a week. As long as you see a downward trend, that's all that matters.
  • Hi all!

    Does anyone else experience major weight fluctuations? I weigh myself at the same time each morning and see major differences each day. I intake 1200-1400 net calories/day and usually burn about 500 calories 3-4 times/week at the gym.

    My typical week looks something like this:
    Monday: 210
    Tuesday: 213.5
    Wednesday: 215
    Thursday: 211
    Friday: 214
    Saturday: 211.5
    Sunday: 209.5

    Water weight and food. I weight daily and see the same things. I only log the lows LOL
  • i see the same things, i weigh once a week on wednesday, and that is what i enter here. high or low
  • or
    5) your scale is not being very accurate.

    if you're using a mechanical scale, makes sure you try not to move it and don't set it on it's edge when you aren't using it, and make sure it's on a solid surface, not carpet.

    if you're using an electronic scale, make sure your batteries are good. when mine were dying last month, i stepped on and it read one weight. then i stepped off, let it reset, stepped on again and it was a full pound higher. rinse repeat and it was a full pound even higher each time. i replaced the batteries and it read a full 5 pounds lower than the original weight, almost 10 pounds lower than the last weight before replacing the batteries.
  • I agree with most of the posts before me. Also, listen to your body. Sometimes I wake up and 'feel heavier' (usually after a day of not so great eating) and my weight fluctuates that day, even if I had stayed in my range for calories.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    Step away from the scale! Day to day fluctuations are absolutely normal. If those small changes upset you, it's best to back away from the scale and only weigh once a week, or even once a month.
  • Joanitude
    Joanitude Posts: 171 Member
    Before you drive yourself crazy - determine if it is actually your weight that is fluctuating. Test your scale, your stance, and your floor. Depending on how exactly I stand on the scale, and were exactly the scale it placed on the floor I get up to an 8 pound difference. I know because I played with it taking my weight one right after the other. I am 99% sure that my weight cannot fluctuate in under five minutes of doing nothing :)
  • tairaven
    tairaven Posts: 72 Member
    Yeah, my weight fluctuates like that too. It's like two steps forward, one step back, two steps forward, three steps back....

    And it sucks when your anticipated "weigh in day" turns out to be an "up" day. I too only record it here though when it is actually a "lower" day than the last recorded.
  • Weight fluctuations are normal. If it messes with you then it's best you don't weigh yourself so often.
  • thisisiamj
    thisisiamj Posts: 145 Member
    When I weigh myself daily, I do notice that my weight fluctuates based on several factors.
    1) If i eat dinner late @ night, especially salty foods or carbs, I weigh more in the morning
    2) If I lift the night before, I also weigh a little more
    3) TOM
    4) 4-5 days after a cheat day, I will weigh 2-3 lbs heavier, but it will go down and then some.

    This is why I'm trying to commit to only weighing once a week or two weeks.
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 728 Member
    Perfectly normal. Don't drive yourself nuts about the number as long as your feeling good ;)