27 Year old 6ft 2' weighing in at 230 pounds..

Well I went out to buy some new pants for work today.. So depressing to be wearing a size 38 - 32.. I used to wear back in high school a size 32.. Then in college the biggest i ever wore was a size 34. I find myself eating just whatever I want. I drink almost 7-8 Cokes daily. Starting yesterday ( I walked/jogged 4 miles in an hour ) I'm going to strive to walk at least 30 minutes or more a day. And work out as much as I can. I've got a buddy that said he'd get a membership at this gym in town with me. But I told him I wanted to some by myself first so I can get Semi-Conditioned before I go with him. He's talking about going in the first day and just maxing out first thing. His idea behind it is do less reps with as much weight as possible. I was thinking especially at the beginning just start off slow and work my way up. As it is now I haven't really worked out in SEVERAL years, and I think I might hurt myself going all out day 1.

I weight 230 Pounds and am 6ft 2' I really want to lose some weight and tone up. My biggest problem is my Stomach area.

I'm open for suggestions with anything that will get me motivated and get the job done. Like a routine I can do at home before I start going to the Gym. I've got a 10 pound Kettle Ball, 25 pound Kettle ball, 5 pound rubber dumbbell, and 2 - 3 pound rubber Dumbbells with straps on them.. I've got bad wrists right now ( because of lack of working out, and being on the computer alot ) so I'm trying to work my wrists out so they'll be stronger.

Btw. I'd like to get to 200 pounds.. Unless I can just turn all this fat into muscle and I look good then I guess i can live with 230.
Looking for some motivational friends to help and someone to lose weight with.. ADD ME