Tell me how busy you are!!!



  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    Full-time work and student (finishing my master of sciences program.

    I usually get up at 7 in the morning, eting a quick breakfast, getting dressed and rush to my job. In the evening I go to my courses.
    Between work, university and home are about 1 hour (I always use the subway), so I am 3 hours a day on the road (I use this time to read).

    I ussually arrive at 9 or 10 pm at home, and my program will include house work for at least 30 minutes, personall stuff, packaging food for the next day, and so on.

    I do maybe a 10-15 minute exercise in the days I arirve at 9 in the evening, because by putting all things together, I just got those minutes.
    I don't try to work out no matter what. I need my sleep. My work and school need my brain rested. If I don't get at least 6-7 hours of sleep, I can't get anything done at work or school and I enter in a very depressed state.

    I workout more during weekends.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I would love to hear some stories about your busy life and how you incorporate your workouts into your daily routine. I work full time. I have three boys and my night time routine revolves around them. I'm not making excuses. I know that I can fit in my exercise every day. I have done it before. I'm just on a lazy train right now...and would like some motivational stories of how jam packed your days are...what exercise you do and when you do it.

    I walk 2 miles (each way) to my 10-11 hour day job, staff photographer and asst creative dir for a fashion label.
    then shower n dress up for a metal concert, run to the lower east side and shoot 4-6 bands until 2 am then either hit the afterparty or head home
    heading straight home gets me there around 3 am.

    About twice a month I'll then meet my workout buddy to amp up my workouts, other times - 3-4 times a week - I will split between an hour/hour and a half run, or lifting sessions alone, bodyweight sessions alone, or Pilates to nineties rock. Then I make myself a beautiful photo worthy breakfast and head back to my day job.

    On weekends - every other weekend Im out of state shooting a show or attending an event or working something for the fashion side. Ideally I like having 3-4 dates a month so I dont go insane with libido.

    I also have scheduled in there the 5 books Im reading, the novel Im writing, the sewing class I want to sign up for in December, my fitness blogging, the tough mudder Im going to be training for, all my chores and hanging out with my friends.
  • NoHookUpZone
    NoHookUpZone Posts: 1,531 Member
    edited August 2019
    I'm a lead in the federal service. If you've ever been a lead you know you're always busy and things are always hectic. I've also been appointed the facilitator for reviewers and coaches for new hires.
    Despite being so busy I still manage to get steps in.
    It helps that the area the reviewers I need to over see are in another area so I'm always walking over there pushing document trucks. I intentionally walk over to that area even if I'm only taking one document.
    I've been consistently getting 10k steps in.
  • GrizzledSquirrel
    GrizzledSquirrel Posts: 120 Member
    Not very. s’Sunday innit. Watching the Ashes in my pants.
  • xGreatWhiteNorthx
    xGreatWhiteNorthx Posts: 335 Member
    Main breadwinner. Physical job.
    We homestead on several acres, that's my workout most days because its physically taxing.
    1 kid .
    2 big dogs
    I play in a local cribbage league
    Fiance and I maintain our cam modeling accounts and content.
    I sell my photography prints.
  • jo_nz
    jo_nz Posts: 548 Member
    I am studying full time at the moment (7 weeks to go...) and working part-time (desk job). I have two school kids who do quite a few extra-curricular activities too, so there's a bit of time spent getting them to/from various things (in summer we walk to a lot of them).

    In the warmer months, I get up early and take the dog for a walk/run (mostly walk) before everyone else gets up, but at the moment it's a bit too dark and cold for my liking! So we sneak in a walk just after taking the kids to school, or on the way to collect them. I theoretically have Tai Chi once or twice a week, but at the moment DH has some big projects that can only be done out of normal business hours, so getting out anywhere is not happening.
    The kids are just starting a boxing fitness class, and I am thinking of going to that too - there is an adults class running alongside theirs.

    I use my Fitbit to make sure I get in a reasonable amount of activity in my day - except my dog ate the charger a few weeks ago, and I just received the replacement yesterday - just updating now and planning to get that back on track. It will be a lot easier when the studies wrap up though.

    I struggle to regularly do purposeful exercise - mostly it's just incidental activity of going about my life.