Running shoes



  • eli_isit
    eli_isit Posts: 2 Member
    Mizuno is a really awesome brand! I looove my Nexus by them! :) They also have a very cool test to figure out what are your particular needs (if you need to decide without professional help) - try the web site. In stores they also make foot scans and testing to help find the best running shoe for you. Just saying - it's worth trying them !
  • scoutit
    I'm getting ready to go out in my Adidas right now; they have been great. Husband enjoys asic. Key: try them on!!! Everyone's feet are different and there is a shoe just right for you.
  • AlessisMore
    AlessisMore Posts: 179 Member
    Shoes all fit differently so it's important to try a bunch before you find something that works for your foot shape. If you go to a running store they should let you run on a treadmill so you know how they feel with your stride. Even better is a run around the block.

    Don't get too hung up on the bells and whistles. Find something that fits really well and feels natural when you run. Also, shoe manufacturers change their models all the time (I hate this!) so what you love today might not be available in 3 months. Leave yourself open to other options!
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Ditto all the above posters saying go to a local running store. Most of those stores are staffed by seasoned runners who know how to help get you a good fit. I started in Asics and my feet loved them, but they were too structured for me. My legs and knees were a mess. That's more about me than the shoe. I'm in Brooks PureFlow now, and i"m on the fence. They are light weight and great for road running. I try trail running, but I tend to trip a LOT. So, until I figure out how all those roots and rocks keep jumping up to trip me, I stick to the roads and groomed trails.

    Good luck. Your feet are gonna be SOOOO happy once you get some proper shoes!!
  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    A runner buddy of mine said "would you put junkie 1/2 price tires on your new lexus?" NOPE, so get a good expensive pair. If you go to runners world or any local running store they can usually put you on a treadmill and have you run, then figure out the shoe that's right for you. I did it at Runners World and after I got the different shoes (which were only $30 more than my cheapo brand) my legs and back thanked me!:smile:
  • ATclassof2021
    ATclassof2021 Posts: 232 Member
    There are a lot companies that make good running shoes. Do your feet a favour and go to your local running shop and get fitted.

    This, your feet are different from other peoples feet.....have an expert at a Running Store (note: not a shoe store) recommend brands and types for your gait.
  • RunnerInVT
    RunnerInVT Posts: 226 Member
    Asics 2150 & 2160s made my toenails black...Brooks Adrenaline I love. :) toebox is bigger and they are a little lighter.
  • jasonheyd
    jasonheyd Posts: 524 Member
    Brooks Adrenaline I love. :) toebox is bigger and they are a little lighter.

    Agreed... I switched to Brooks Adrenaline GTS 12 from a Nike Air Pegasus+ 26 and some knee/hip soreness I'd been having went away pretty much overnight. The Pegasus is a neutral shoe & the Adrenaline's a support shoe, so part of it was me just having the wrong shoe (that's the type of thing a good running store will help you figure out).

    I did have to switch to a different type of lacing to open the toe-box a bit more on the Adrenaline... The first couple of runs in my Brooks landed me with some numbness in my feet about 30 minutes in. That'll probably improve as the shoe stretches some over time, but the lacing change fixed it for now.
  • tschaff04
    tschaff04 Posts: 296 Member
    We have a D i c k s. I might try there. Thanks, everyone. Very helpful! :)

    Edited* No idea why it bleeped out the word. lol