100 calorie snacks

How many 100 calorie treats (granola bars, cookie bites, pretzel thingies) should you limit yourself to in a day? I remember hearing one time that relying on too many of them is counter-productive to weight loss.


  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    I'm not a huge fan of 100 calorie packs, although a lot of people are. For me they just don't satisfy me and end up making my sweet/salty craving worse. I'd rather eat 100 calories of almonds or an apple than 6 yogurt covered pretzels.

    i would say make your own 100 calorie packs, buy a bag of pretzels or almonds, etc....measure them out into little baggies. You'll save more money that way in the long run.
  • beckyboop712
    beckyboop712 Posts: 383 Member
    Dannon Light and Fit Yogurt is a great snack. 80 calories, lots of protein, and is usually enough to tie me over from one meal to the next, especially at work when I constantly have pastries or other junk to tempt me, or just enough to add to my glass of milk on mornings I do my longer runs (longer meaning 8+ miles). But as Steph said, I can't eat those types of snacks because they either make me hungrier or intensify the craving.