Always Hungry and craving sugar, HELP!


I'm always craving snack food and sugar snacks. I'm a graduate student and whenever I sit down to study (most of the week) I am always craving things that I shouldn't eat like candy bars. I've just really started being aware that this is part of the reason why I've gained weight, doesn't anyone have any suggestions about foods that meet the following criteria:

- Decrease cravings for snacking
- Get rid of the need for sugar
- Leave me not hungry

Thanks again! :)


  • spedee
    spedee Posts: 5
    just saw this on the biggest loser, take an apple put it in a bowl of water microwave it for 3-5 mins, cut in half sprinkle with cinnamon. it tastes good, tastes sweet, low calories, no sugar, very healthy snack
  • pelcw1
    pelcw1 Posts: 6 Member
    when im feeling hungry i have a glass of water to ease the hunger pains lol
  • kgasser
    kgasser Posts: 333 Member
    The always being hungry is probably from too many carbs, it causes your blood sugar to spike quickly then the body dumps in a crap load of insulin to bring it under control, which in turn lowers your sugar quickly resulting in being hungry very soon after eating. Concentrate on protien to keep your levels fairly steady. The want to eat while you are studying is boredom and probably a subconcious way to give yourself a break from studying. At least that is what happens with me. Try pickle spears, if you like them. They have a great crunch and you can really only eat so many before your taste buds start to protest...and at 5 calories each, who cares how many you eat, unless it is in the 20 or 30's!
    Just some ideas.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,126 Member
    It's a battle, to be sure. Join us on our Sugar thread (link in my signature)
  • kgasser
    kgasser Posts: 333 Member
    when im feeling hungry i have a glass of water to ease the hunger pains lol

    Water? Seriously? You're a better man than I am! LOL
  • Minerva
    Minerva Posts: 79 Member
    The apple is a good idea, but what might also help in general, is to increase your fiber intake. Google "fiber" and look at the list of foods that have fiber. Pick out a couple and eat them. Try to get your fiber intake up to 25-30grams/day. It will fill you up so you are less tempted to snack.:happy:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,126 Member
    when im feeling hungry i have a glass of water to ease the hunger pains lol

    Water? Seriously? You're a better man than I am! LOL

    :noway: I thought the same thing, kgasser.
  • Jen4433
    Jen4433 Posts: 1 Member
    Sugar Free Jello Snack cups! Chocolate, Dulce De Leche, vanilla, all sorts of flavors! They are sooo good, and only 60 calories each. They are always a help to me when I'm craving sweets.
  • sweetpeagal
    Thanks for the advice! This actually sounds really yummy I'll have to try it :)
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    I'm not expert by any means but I have read that ... "Chromium picolinate is a nutritional supplement that works to increase the efficiency of insulin to optimal levels." taken from

    In a nut shell - it helps curb those carb urges. It isn't a quick fix but I've been taking it for a couple of years now and I don't crave those dang reese cups and such any longer.

    Also a fast may help cleanse your system to reduce those urges.
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    if i eat carbs by themselves i am starving, have a snack with a combo of protein and carbs. also i try to eat every 2-3 hours without fail. eg a snack might consist of 3 egg whites and a multigrain pita )only a total of 110 cals) but you will be full and not craving anything but i could 10 crackers or baked lays for 110 cals and still be looking for something else.
  • stephjohnny
    stephjohnny Posts: 42 Member
    just saw this on the biggest loser, take an apple put it in a bowl of water microwave it for 3-5 mins, cut in half sprinkle with cinnamon. it tastes good, tastes sweet, low calories, no sugar, very healthy snack

    thanks for the idea. just tried this, only i added a little nutmeg with the cinnamon. delicious! tastes sooo naughty!:devil:
  • sajar_06
    sajar_06 Posts: 173 Member
    Water and fiber will help you to feel full longer. You may want to double check your proteins to see if you are lacking because that also can cause sweet cravings mainly chocolate. Fruits are a great snack and low in calories. There are also healthy 100 calorie snacks out that you may want to look into. Make a note each time this happens and what triggered it if you know and then look for patterns that will help you to address this and may also be able to control the cravings and hunger. Eating small maounts every 3 hours will also help. Plan your diet a day in advance and write down the menus then you can add or subtract as you need. Hope this helps. God Bless, brenda
  • kgasser
    kgasser Posts: 333 Member
    WOW! Look at you! You look so much healthier...good for you. I like the track it and see what triggers it idea! Thanks!
  • BigdaddyJ
    BigdaddyJ Posts: 357

    Coffe & sweetner helps me too.....when all else fail I have 1/4 cup of trail mix.....still a bit high in calories but way haelthier than a donut!
  • ccounts
    ccounts Posts: 57
    just saw this on the biggest loser, take an apple put it in a bowl of water microwave it for 3-5 mins, cut in half sprinkle with cinnamon. it tastes good, tastes sweet, low calories, no sugar, very healthy snack

    thanks for the idea. just tried this, only i added a little nutmeg with the cinnamon. delicious! tastes sooo naughty!:devil:

    I like 1% lowfat cottage cheese with fresh or frozen unsweetened fruit added, plus cinnamon. The nutmeg would be interesting, too. When you use a cup of frozen fruit (like Wyler's Wild Maine Blueberries, fantastic!) you are adding very little in the way of carbs and calories and getting a lot of protein with the cottage cheese, plus your calcium, too. Stir the frozen fruit around and you end up with something a lot like ice cream, with only the natural sugar from the unsweetened fruit. The cinnamon is a natural sweetener. I could see cooking up the apple, as in the quote above, and swirling it around in the cottage cheese for more like a warm, creamy fruit compote, again with no sugar other than the fruit's natural sweetness.

    I have a real sweet tooth, too, and am plagued by cravings and binges. when I cut the sugar and make sure I have protein, the binging ceases.