Hi, I'm New!

Hi my name is Julie and I'm 31 years old.
My sister recommended this site to me since we have both been struggling with our weight for a long time now.
Motivation has always been my weak point. I know I need to lose weight but I'll workout for a few days then I become bored.
I eat healthy when I'm at work but then when I get home my husband always says "let's have pizza" or something else equally unhealthy and when I do eat these foods I try to do so in moderation but it's tough.
I'm going to try my best to make it work this time!


  • Live_love_life
    How are you finding the site? I love it!
    Motivation is definitely my weak point as well but I have found a few things that help...
    The first one is friends! With out my MFP buddies I would never have stayed on here as long as I have. I try to be as supportive as I can so feel free to add xx
    The second one is pre logging. It really helps me stay on track food wise.
    Unfortunately I have fallen if the wagon recently and so I have restarted a challenge that helped me stay on track last time this happened. It's a lot of fun and I helps to motivate me to login every day and reach my goals
    Here is the info if you want to join in
    We are starting on Monday :)
    Good luck xx