So tired of starting over



  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    First, there is a great quote floating around weight-loss inspiration sites -- "If you're tired of starting over, stop quitting."
    That said, even if you start over every single day, I bet you're still doing better than you were before deciding to use MFP.
    I wish you much luck in this journey. You'll get there. When you're ready, it won't be so hard to stay focused. :bigsmile:
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    do you exercise? it has helped me so much. I have such a huge weightloss goal ahead of me that without exercise I don't think I could do it.

    1. it gives you energy and boosts metabolism
    2. it makes you feel proud of your fitness accomplishments
    3. it curbs appetite
    4. it helps you work through stress. I am so stressed right now but I just sweat it out.
    5. it gives you more wiggle room with your diet. you can have some higher caloric intake with exercise than without.
    6. sore muscles is a sign of use. its the quickest result. Within hours of a workout I feel sore but might not see inches lost or pounds lost yet. I'm results oriented.
    7. weightloss with exercise is more likely to stay off. exercise helps make it a lifestyle change rather than a diet to stick to.
    8. weightloss with strength training in particular is more likely to help with having lots of excess skin
    9. getting skinny won't make you fit. (you might have less flab but it'll still be flab) to be toned takes exercise.
    10. exercise strengthens your heart and lungs. strength training in particular is beneficial to bones and organ health

    I don't mean for any of this to sound like a lecture but I just feel exercise (which I used to HATE and now I LOVE) has changed my life and I wanna tell the world! There will always be rough days. Days that are harder to stick to plan. But through exercise I never feel like giving up anymore. It has been the best motivation tool for me. I look at how far I have come and what I'm accomplishing and I just wanna work even harder. Diets can't be all about restricting and taking away. cheating. forbidden foods. Try incorporating something awesome instead of depriving yourself. We tend to be naturally rebellious so as soon as I say I can't have ____ then I want it even more. But I'm also naturally competitive. So set a fitness goal and conquer it! Good luck to you! I know you can do it!!!
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    My goal starts fresh every day... Decide today to do the best that you can today... try to eat often but keep the calories down... Drink lots of water and move more... I weigh a little less than you do now and I was over 425 just over four months ago. It isn't about how much I have to lose its about doing as well today as I can. If the best you can do today is not to eat a large pizza and eat some salmon and salad instead then count that as a success. If you gained four pounds last week aim to only gain a pound this week. Its an improvement. Pick something to eliminate and do so... Soda would be a good place to start... Replace it with water, the kidneys and the waistline will thank you.
  • Tannedtiffers
    Tannedtiffers Posts: 558 Member
    never ever give up! just take it one day/one meal at a time.

    don't be harsh on yourself.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    You can do this!! The road may seem very long right now, but I'm telling you from personal experience, it is worth the hard work and frustration. It is not going to be easy, bit it is soooo worth it. Don't beat yourself up about cheating. It's done, it's over with, you can't change it. Just start tomorrow over, and get on track. Portion control, moderation and exercise are the only 3 keys you need.

    You WILL lose that 10 lbs! Then you will lose that 20, and then before you know it. You see 180 lbs lost on your weight ticker, and you'll say to yourself "Wow, that time flew by"

    When your having a bad day, just look at this.

    Every. Single. Day. is a new one. So hop back on the wagon, and take control!
  • thickmadame80
    thickmadame80 Posts: 20 Member
    Just start over the next day and continue to try. I was a stress eater and an emtional eater. I had to get my stresser out of the way and another things is I pray for God to give me strength. You can do it. I am a single mother of 5 yr old twin girls and I know how life can be so overwhelming, but you can do it.Do you have an accountablity partner? That does help as well. I have 2. See I need double the help, but with them and this app and site I have been able to do ok. I started my journey 11/1/12 and by 11/19/ i have lost 8 lbs. I am wanting to lose between 80-100 and it will happen.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I saw a post once that said, "If you're tired of starting over, stop giving up!"

    I started at 376, and am 1/2 way to where I want to be - having just had a reality check after 3 weeks of being a bit de-railed. Emotional/stress eating is what I do to.

    BUt starting now, the wining, excuses, wallowing and negative self-talk STOP. Focus on what you can do NOW (not during the rest of the day - it's a moment by moment sort of thing) to keep you on the path to where you want to be tomorrow?

    Start by being the best food logger ever. Then add drinking 8 glasses of water a day to the list (don't be caught without a glass or bottle of water that's within reach). Once those are under control, focus on protein and fiber intake. A nutritionist told me if you focus on lean healthy proteins, the fat/carbs will take care of themselves, and I've found that to be pretty much true. If you get hungry have something protein or something fiber before having some sort of carb. If you get derailed - the sooner you pick yourself up and dust yourself off, the better. ("Okay, Self. That moment of temporary insanity is over. The hoover button is now switched off - Back on track.")

    One step at a time - You CAN do this!
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    Learn new ways to deal with stress in some other way than turning to food so that you have options when you're feeling overwhelmed. Some people go to therapy, some use prescription anti-anxiety/depression medication, some meditate, some do yoga, some take a walk, some practice deep breathing, some people smoke cigarettes/MJ, some people call a friend to vent... and sometimes you just have to eat that candy bar and get back on the healthy horse at your next meal. Don't give up because of 4 lbs gained. I gained 10 lbs recently because of literally just neglecting my better judgement. You just got to pick yourself up and dust yourself off and get back on the horse. Otherwise, you let the fat win.
  • rachaelbmh
    Can you focus in on what's causing you stress and try to find a way to cope with that? If you're stress-eating, maybe shift your focus to what's causing your stress so that you can move forward confidently towards your goals.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    One thing I had to do was forget about "starting over". There is only life and the decisions you make. It's a continuum. Try to follow every bad decision with a good decision. If you go to a birthday party and overeat the cake, go right back to weighing and measuring and tracking the very next meal. Don't tell yourself "I'll get back on track tomorrow or next Monday or January 1. Do it now!