OATS!!!!!!! :)

Okay guys so i know about 1/2 cup of rolled oats is around 45grams but i would love and need to know how many grams are roughly in a 1/2 of coarse oats??? i know they are different but not sureof the weight in cups and i don't have a set of scales to measure it so i would love one of you lovely people to help me out. the brand of oats im using at the moment is prewett's coarse oats if that helps :)

thank you xxx


  • AyaKara
    AyaKara Posts: 220
    It depends on the brand, where you got them from, etc.! The best thing for you to do would be to get a scale. I actually bought a 35lb scale for my cat recently, but since she's too scared to get on it, I realized yesterday that I can use it for food. Make the investment, it's only $20! :D

    Until then, use the nutrition facts label & divide the proportions accordingly to figure it out. Good luck! :)