Heart rate monitor or MFP calories?

Sooo... I have the Polar FT4 and I am really confused if I should use the calories burned from the HRM or from here.. For example, I jogged 20 minutes today and my HRM said I burned 217 calories, but myfitnesspal said I burned 95... Then when I do an hour of Wii Fit, my HRM can say between 400-500 calories burned, but myfitnesspal says around 200 calories burned. What do I go by? The HRM seems to be very generous especially when I hear people saying myfitnesspal is generous with calories burned??


  • i say go with what your HRM says because it contains all your stats like age, weight, etc...and monitor's your heart rate...I love my Polar FT7....MFP either overestimates or underestimates so i consider the HRM more accurate :D hope that helps...