joggers and Carbs

what percentage should my carbohydrates be set at if I jog a few times a week? I feel like maybe my carbs are too low and that may be why I cant run as long/far/fast as I'd like to.


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I tend to eat anywhere between 50 and 60% of my calories from carbs but there's more to running endurance than fueling.

    First, I would suggest that you (temporarily) banish the word fast from your running vocabulary, assuming you're fairly new to running your first priority should be working on endurance and usually this means you intentionally slow down.

    Without knowing where you are in terms of fitness it's difficult to offer specific guidelines as to how far or for how long or how frequently you should be running but generally speaking you want to try to get out 3 or 4 times per week consistently and one of these runs should be a long(er) distance at a slow(er) pace.

    I see you're in Ontario, are you reasonably close to a Running Room store? They offer free learn to run programs and have free group runs for runners of all experience and athletic levels (usually Wednesdays and Sundays).

    In any case, slow and steady. Don't try to progress too quickly, running brings about quite a number of adaptations in your body and these take time. Most importantly....have fun!
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I tend to eat anywhere between 50 and 60% of my calories from carbs but there's more to running endurance than fueling.

    First, I would suggest that you (temporarily) banish the word fast from your running vocabulary, assuming you're fairly new to running your first priority should be working on endurance and usually this means you intentionally slow down.

    Without knowing where you are in terms of fitness it's difficult to offer specific guidelines as to how far or for how long or how frequently you should be running but generally speaking you want to try to get out 3 or 4 times per week consistently and one of these runs should be a long(er) distance at a slow(er) pace.

    I see you're in Ontario, are you reasonably close to a Running Room store? They offer free learn to run programs and have free group runs for runners of all experience and athletic levels (usually Wednesdays and Sundays).

    In any case, slow and steady. Don't try to progress too quickly, running brings about quite a number of adaptations in your body and these take time. Most importantly....have fun!

  • courtneylee31
    courtneylee31 Posts: 178 Member
    Im very carb sensitive, so 50-60% would definitely be something to eventually work up too. I unfortunately don't live near the Running Room store. I live in a small town near pretty much nothing lol. I'm currently using a program on my phone to help with my training. (Called Fun Run, and sometimes Endomondo). I've noticed more aches/pains during this kind of training, so I definitely agree that its a real big adaption to my body. Thanks for your response :)
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    what percentage should my carbohydrates be set at if I jog a few times a week? I feel like maybe my carbs are too low and that may be why I cant run as long/far/fast as I'd like to.

    I run long distances and I find I still don't need too many carbs. It's personal preference. I think not running as long/far/fast is more your body adjusting to it and gaining strength and endurance. I've been a runner for over 30 years and used to think I needed more carbs but it only made me fat. In the last several years and since I learned to eat less to lose weight, and that as a super small person I need less calories, and experimenting with intermittent fasting I've learned that it's more a mental game and your bodies adjustment to exercise. I can actually run 7 miles hard first thing in the morning with no calories at all and finish the run strong. Only six months ago I didn't think this was possible. I felt weak and I told my friends who work out fasted for the last year that "I can't do it". I finally got over my fear of it, experimented with it, and worked up to where I can workout on no calories sometimes. It's fascinating. I learned about it from and I trust Rusty Moore so I thought I'd give it a shot. I still eat my maintenance calories the rest of the day after running or working out fasted, but I find that I don't need the amount of carbs that MFP gives. I tend to like more protein, and just enough carbs for energy, and lots of fruits and veggies, pretty balanced actually.
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    what percentage should my carbohydrates be set at if I jog a few times a week? I feel like maybe my carbs are too low and that may be why I cant run as long/far/fast as I'd like to.

    I run long distances and I find I still don't need too many carbs. It's personal preference. I think not running as long/far/fast is more your body adjusting to it and gaining strength and endurance. I've been a runner for over 30 years and used to think I needed more carbs but it only made me fat. In the last several years and since I learned to eat less to lose weight, and that as a super small person I need less calories, and experimenting with intermittent fasting I've learned that it's more a mental game and your bodies adjustment to exercise. I can actually run 7 miles hard first thing in the morning with no calories at all and finish the run strong. Only six months ago I didn't think this was possible. I felt weak and I told my friends who work out fasted for the last year that "I can't do it". I finally got over my fear of it, experimented with it, and worked up to where I can workout on no calories sometimes. It's fascinating. I learned about it from and I trust Rusty Moore so I thought I'd give it a shot. I still eat my maintenance calories the rest of the day after running or working out fasted, but I find that I don't need the amount of carbs that MFP gives. I tend to like more protein, and just enough carbs for energy, and lots of fruits and veggies, pretty balanced actually.

    I am the same. if i have agood protein dinner the night before i have been able to run up to a half marathon with no food beforehand. Actually its my preference to run without any food in my stomach. I do however sneak an expresso shot priot (i know this is bad). Even afterwards i usually eat protein based meals with vege , im gluten free so my carbs come from veges only.

    I have don this for a long time and run at least 45 minutes (6-8miles) a day, with a longer run (10 miles?) on a weekend.