Foot cramp whilst swimming

helyg Posts: 675 Member
edited January 3 in Fitness and Exercise
Anyone know how to avoid getting cramp in my feet when swimming? It is relieved by rubbing the sole of my foot and wiggling my toes, but it is very annoying as it means I have to stop swimming until it passes.


  • Cramping mostly happens when dehydrated or through a lack of electrolytes such as potassium, sodium and magnesium.

    Try reading the below for a quick over view:

    Technique could be an issue but I'm not best judge of that!

  • helyg
    helyg Posts: 675 Member
    Thanks :smile:

    I think my technique is OK, or at least improving, as I have weekly swimming coaching sessions. I hadn't thought of being dehydrated though, it doesn't occur to me to drink more when I'm already surrounded by water! I'll try bananas too, I remember my midwife suggesting that when I got leg cramps when I was pregnant.
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    I've heard it's from dehydration also, and I know I don't drink enough water. Sometimes I get leg cramps laying in bed the wrong way LOL
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