Weight training and yoga

What is better - first do 30 min weight training and then an hour of yoga, or first yoga and then weight training?


  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Weight training first then yoga. Or even better, do them on different days.
  • gxm17
    gxm17 Posts: 374
    I prefer to do yoga after weight training. It's my treat to myself after a hard workout.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Weight training first then yoga. Or even better, do them on different days.

    This. It varies by style of yoga, but moving between and holding the various poses requires a ton of isometric strength. Attempting to do either after the other one is going to leave you compromised. I practice my yoga on off days from weight lifting.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Weight training first then yoga. Or even better, do them on different days.

    This. It varies by style of yoga, but moving between and holding the various poses requires a ton of isometric strength. Attempting to do either after the other one is going to leave you compromised. I practice my yoga on off days from weight lifting.

    yes. :)
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Usually if I do weights first I would be too shaky and tired to be able to do yoga. After weights my body and nervous system feels very taxed. And it's even a challenge for me to walk the 20 minute walk back home (at first, but by mid walk I am doing better). I tried instead to do yoga first, but also found then I would not be able to lift as well because my muscles were tired and shaky from the yoga (in a very different sort of way because my nervous system is not taxed, I am just shaky from the extreme stretching and back bends and all that stuff). So, usually I do yoga and weights on separate days. Occasionally I will do weights after yoga (but I will not do as well at the weights). And sometimes I will do weights and then a little later in the day I will do 20 minutes of yoga at home. I also dance and often need to dance then do weights after dancing (but I get a long break on my 30 to 45 minute train rides).
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    Depending on the style and effort you put into the yoga, I would say you shouldn't be able to get through a session of yoga after weight training unless your weight training wasn't challenging enough.

    Yoga on the day after would be great to relieve any of those sore muscles, or if it is a relaxing session of yoga you choose on your weight training day - do it just before you retire to bed to prepare you for sleep.

    So the answer (for me) is to do yoga every day - but choose the yoga that best serves your day.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Do Yoga on an off-day from lifting (or other practices)......

    You need to devote sufficiently to Yoga or it's not going to do it for you. You have a lot of isometric holds going on there, as DavPul notes, and correct muscle engagement is key in a properly held asana to stop you messing something up..... especially if you're trying to go deeper into your practice.

    If you do yoga before lifting, then you won't be fresh enough to be get the maximum out of it.... then you've just wasted a session.

    It's the same with all these kinds of exercise questions: do you really value the practice? (i.e. lifting, yoga, running, etc) Then devote the time to that practice and do it properly to a hundred percent of your ability. Then you'll improve properly in that practice. Or else you just end up compromising something and doing it to half your ability. You'll end up lacking progression and becoming stale. Or, worst case: overusing something and injuring yourself.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Depending on the style and effort you put into the yoga, I would say you shouldn't be able to get through a session of yoga after weight training unless your weight training wasn't challenging enough.

    Yoga on the day after would be great to relieve any of those sore muscles, or if it is a relaxing session of yoga you choose on your weight training day - do it just before you retire to bed to prepare you for sleep.

    So the answer (for me) is to do yoga every day - but choose the yoga that best serves your day.

    I think Yoga on the off day for recovery is awesome! Great idea Carl!
  • Pohudet
    Pohudet Posts: 179 Member
    Many thanks to everybody who responded to my question!