Question for the Yo-yo dieters! - fat loss places

I have a question for all the yo-yo dieters out there (of which I suppose I am one). If you've lost weight before, do you find that the weight comes off from the same places every time you lose it? I'm just curious because I lost a good chunk of weight a few years ago from South Beach and this time I'm trying to do it the healthy way and I want to know whether I should expect the fat to be lost from the same places as it was the last time. So far, it's been the same (the first of it comes from my a**, which is the place that needs it most) but I'm actually a bit concerned about losing my boobs this time around. Since the last weight loss, I've really grown to love and appreciate my girls, and my partner loves them too! Thanks, guys!


  • fun_b
    fun_b Posts: 199 Member
    When I was low carbing (and weighing more than I do now) the weight came off the hips which made me very happy as this is my problem area. My stomach was also flat.

    When I started on MFP, my hips were sticking out again. It took longer for me to lose the hips then the other diet. I don't know why it made a difference but it did. Thankfully I have now seen a diffference.
  • mensasu
    mensasu Posts: 355 Member
    I don't know if its cause I'm low-carb or just age but my girls this time round are not decreasing, at least not yet. I wouldn't mind a bit of a lose to match the drop in my waist and hips. My abdomen is also shrinking which is where I carried most of my weight (apple shaped).
  • Psychedelicately
    Psychedelicately Posts: 81 Member
    My weight loss is completely different this time now that I'm doing a combination of exercise and eating right. I used to just starve myself (500 calories a dayish) for a couple weeks and I would lose it all in my stomach (then gain it all back because that is not maintainable). Now I notice it going down from my face, to my arms/upper body. I haven't lost ANYTHING in my stomach even though I've lost 9 lbs. I hope this means I'm doing it the healthy way this time!