Making A Difference

Hello everyone. I just found out about this site, and am looking forward to all that it, and the people on the site have to offer. My goal is to become a healthier person, and of course to lose my weight. I hope to be a positive influence on someone who needs it, and make a difference.


  • Scamster
    Scamster Posts: 3 Member
    Greetings all...!

    I too found out about this site this past week from a friend. I love how easy it is to use and the fact that I can track on my iPhone. No more excuses and not remembering what I ate all day. Portable, eco-friendly and accountable.
    My goals are to be much healthier and thinner - being able to buy clothes in a store that carries regular size clothes and not have the extra expense of plus size clothing...
    Here's to a fit, fabulous and healthy 2010! A new me for a new decade!