Newbie to the boards

Have been using myfitnesspal for about 3 weeks now. Thought I would wander over here to the boards to check out what is going on and hopefully meet some locals trying to lose xtra weight too.

My name is Amanda. I am 33 years old and live in Ventura, CA with my kiddos and hubbie. If you are nearby give me a holler! I'm always up for meeting new people!

I work full-time while also studying to get my Masters and take care of kids, house, hubbie, and somewhere after all of that....myself. I allow this to be my excuse for not getting my clean eating done and my workouts in. Fixing to switch jobs so will be working more hours now. I refuse to allow that to be my excuse any longer!

So looking forward to meeting people and giving support and motivation as well as receiving it. Have a great Sunday everyone!
