How to Make No-Fat, Plain Greek Yogurt NOT Taste Like Chalk

-If you're like me, I hate eating just plain greek yogurt without any other food. I have a couple of tricks to make it taste better. One of my favorites is to add about 1/2 scoop Whey protein in with some stevia and mix it into about 6-8 oz. My other way is to buy some sugar free jell-o mix, empty the packet into some kind of tubaware container (For storage reasons), and then get about a tea spoon and putting it in with some stevia.


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I go for the 2% myself, and I usually eat it with fresh fruit (blueberries, peaches or pears) and a drizzle of honey. Delicious! I also add it to my oatmeal (also with fresh fruit or raisins, the honey, and walnuts and cinnamon - delicious again!), and sub it for sour cream. Trader Joe's is my favorite brand.
  • Blmarlborough
    That does sound tasty! I should try that. Never thought about adding to oatmeal though. I would think it would taste "off."
  • envy09
    envy09 Posts: 353 Member
    I like to add 1/2 cup Special K Vanilla Almond Cereal and some Blueberry or Blackberry. I think I'm going to go make me some right now...
  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member
    I take frozen fruits, cook them in a fruit puree with a little honey and mix it. I also love to just put honey in it :)
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    That does sound tasty! I should try that. Never thought about adding to oatmeal though. I would think it would taste "off."
    I thought it might, too, but wanted more protein in my oatmeal, but wasn't keen on peanut butter or protein powder - so I tried the yogurt. It makes it really creamy, and with the fruit and honey, it's just sweet enough. Add the cinnamon and walnuts and some mornings I feel like I'm eating dessert. :smile:

    And this is from someone who grew up on oatmeal fixed with butter, brown sugar and half & half! Give it a try! :bigsmile:
  • squeekersmom
    squeekersmom Posts: 107 Member
    have you tried it *savoury* style...I use plain greek yogurt and make taziki out of it...its soooo good.

    take your container of yogurt and *strain* it thru a coffee filter and a small mesh strainer. let it sit a few hours and y ou will be surprised how much liquid drains off.
    Once it drains ,l take the yogurt and add one crushed and finely minced clove of fresh garlic,,,,,some chopped up mint (either fresh or dried) some dried dill,,,,and then i grate a cucumber into the strainer and squeeze all the juice from it...pop that into the yogurt and mix it all up well. \Let it sit over night and you have a great spread for chicken,,,,or put it on a baked potato,,,,use it as a veggie dip,,,,
    so manyyyyy uses for this.
  • docktorfokse
    docktorfokse Posts: 473 Member
    Well, I prefer a full-fat greek yogurt, but two uses I really like for it is a mayo substitute in chicken and tuna salads and simply mixing in blueberry or blackberry jam as a sweetener/flavoring.
  • piratesaregrand
    piratesaregrand Posts: 356 Member
    I add a few tablespoons of powder onion soup mix and a teaspoon of vinegar. Mix it up and back in the fridge. Then dip everything I can find in it.
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    Another +1 for mixing in porridge oats, but you have to leave it overnight before eating it so the oats swell a little. Also mix in some jam so it doesn't taste so tarte.

    I hadn't considered mixing in protein powder. Might have to try that.
  • jen10st
    jen10st Posts: 325 Member
    I love it with honey or some raspberries as they smoosh in (technical term there lol) really well so the juice flavours the yogurt. Also frozen fruits really help to add flavour as they're really juicy when they defrost.
  • feebzz
    feebzz Posts: 6 Member
    Try mixing it with a teaspoon of BCAAs (green apple/grape escape/ raspberry blue),pop in the freezer for a few hours and you've got yourself a delicious low carb treat :happy:
  • Giggles40
    Giggles40 Posts: 66 Member
    I add a tiny sprinkle of Splenda, toasted almond slivers and fresh blueberries...YUMMY!!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    I have tried them all imo Dannon Greek Yogurt, Light and Fit is the best tasting and the creamiest. It has 2x Protein, 10 less carbs for a 5.3 oz serving.
  • Get the zero calorie Swiss Miss hot chocolate packets. Stir those in, real good.
  • dsmpunk
    dsmpunk Posts: 262 Member
    Why fat free? I get the whole milk Oikos stuff. Add a spoon full of strawberry preserves and its almost a meal.

    Should be around 215 calories per cup vs 160ish for the fat free stuff. Bonus: It doesn't taste like chalk ;)
  • GerardMc2k13
    a teaspoon of low cal hot chocolate powder. yum the one i use is options orange chocolate flavour tastes soooo good and is 38 calories per 11g but in teaspoon is 19 calories which is 5 grams of powder
  • egh1974
    egh1974 Posts: 147
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Low calorie Hidden Valley Ranch powder and curry powder mixed with it is yummy!
  • morganstrf
    morganstrf Posts: 93 Member
    Add some Nutella!!
  • NerdyTXChick
    NerdyTXChick Posts: 155 Member
    I eat fat free plain Greek yogurt everyday! I bring it to work with frozen fruit (either cherries or blueberries) and Splenda. I also like to mix it with a packet of diet swiss miss cocoa. But my favorite is to mix it with protein powder and peanut butter — it's like cookie dough (and if you use PB2 instead of peanut butter you can save more calories).

    As for savory, I use it to replace sour cream, which tastes far better than fat free sour cream. I like to make a quick burrito with fat free refried beans, a little taco seasoning and fat free cheese — all on a whole wheat tortilla topped with salsa and a dollop of plain yogurt. Yum!