
Just introducing myself - I'm Heather - here through persuasion from my personal trainer. I weigh about 13 stone 8 at the moment (has anyone any idea how to convert that to pounds / kilos). It is taking me a while to lose weight - I seem to yoyo from 13 stone to 13.8 (highest for a few years) so am needing motivation to focus...any ideas very gratefully received. My biggest problem is a carb loving, chip loving, beer loving, chocolate loving husband... who remains firmly at 11 stone in spite of this. Unfortunately I have the metabolism where I just look at food and on go the pounds. Anyway my plan is simple... be honest, write down all I eat, allow my trainer to read my diary and hopefully begin to watch the scales heave a sigh of relief. Any tips / comments / humour gratefully received! Heather


  • Ruby53
    Ruby53 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi Heather, welcome, this is a great site, try googling "change stones to lbs", thats what I did!! I also have a husband who can eat what eat likes, it is sooo annoying!! but I am doing this for myself not him!! Good luck.
  • jenstalder
    I found this website and it shows the conversion of stone to pouns..

    I hope it helps..

    I workout at home after going to the gym and using a personal trainer for two years.. I wasnt able to lose much weight and if i did it didnt stay off. I started using beachbody and lost 18 pounds in the first month adn have kept it off.
    You can get a free membership at my website and check it out yourself.

    It has taught me so much of food to eat and nutrition.. I totally understand where you are coming from and would love to help you in anyway.
    Please feel free to write and ask me any questions you would like....
    Your new friend,