No friends lol

Hey guys. I'm 23, female, from Wisconsin. I'm a triathlete, albeit an out of shape one. I'm currently in the 170s hoping to get down to the 150s for Christmas when I see my family.
Just looking for some friends on here to give me the boost I need now and again for workouts or diet!
<3 TriathlonsForLife


  • Cyclink
    Cyclink Posts: 517 Member
    Triathletes tend to have that problem :smile:
  • trchristy
    trchristy Posts: 155 Member
    triathlete I admire you for that, some day I would love to do that. I have a friend in Florida that does that and its just amazing to see it. I am some what new here but I am so tired of the yo yo dieting and exercise I am willing to do what needs to be done for life. Its very nice to meet you please add me as a friend if you would like to.
  • hi i am new too feel free to add me.
  • KmusicheartBTS
    KmusicheartBTS Posts: 39 Member
    Always looking for friends to add motivation and support!
    I joined the 51 Days Challenge, which, hopefully, will help me to stay on track and avoid yo-yoing. Just very tired of this stuff.
    There are many great people here and I'm excited :-)

  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    You can add me : )
  • Hi! Sounds like we have the same goals (weight loss wise). I'm in the low 170's and my goal is 150. Hopefully we can motivate each other! I've been trying my best to log daily. Feel free to add me :)
  • benandgillsmom
    benandgillsmom Posts: 15 Member
    You can add me as well!
  • Cyclink
    Cyclink Posts: 517 Member
    I'm a triathlete, albeit an out of shape one.

    The line I use with my closer friends is "oh come on, round is a shape!"
  • metalloz
    metalloz Posts: 77 Member
    Hey, I'm also 23 female. I am looking to lose about 10 pounds-feel free to add me :)
  • I'm in the same boat! I competed in a triathlon two years ago, and always wanted to do more but really lost myself after the end of the year. I want to get back into shape so that I will be able to compete again come next summer. Feel free to add me!