Calorie help!


I'm on a mission to lose a small amount of weight and tone up. I started about a year ago and have lost around a stone. I don't really care about weighing myself and all. Basically, I want to be toned and a UK size 8. (I reckon a few more pounds and I'll be there)

I'm 27, female and currently 126lbs. Body fat is 26%, and BMR is around 1386.
I work out 5/6 days a week, usually an hour or two, mixing up cardio and strength.

My problem is, I'm not sure if I'm eating enough calories (or maybe too many!), and I'm afraid I've made it harder for myself to lose those last few pounds. I know there are other threads on this, but I've read so much that I've completely confused myself! I've been going by the 'calories in less than calories out' mentality, but now after all this 'research' I'm thinking I might not be doing it right.

Basically, Mon-Thurs I have way more free time. My meals are healthy low calorie, and I generally have more time and energy (as when I'm working I'm on my feet all day) to do higher intensity workouts. So on average I'm consuming around 800-1100 calories, but burning around 300-400 whilst working out. Over the weekend, I'm not as good! I still eat healthy meals, but I'm not as strict, and will have a couple of glasses of wine, some ice cream or whatever. But calorie intake is approx. 1200 - 1600, whilst burning around 200-300 from working out.
So to my actual question, am I balancing my weekly calorie intake or does this even matter?? Should I aim to have the calories in and around the same every day or am I ok as I am?

Hope this is all clear....I think I've confused myself even more righting it all down.

Thanks for reading, and really appreciate any help!