Need reassurance that this is the right way



  • Gerald_King
    Gerald_King Posts: 2,031 Member
    Medifast is a stupid way to lose weight if anyone will gain all the weight back it will be your friend she is basically starving herself
  • Theohariti
    Theohariti Posts: 34 Member
    Your friend may have lost weight, but she hasn't trained herself to act like a leaner person. Your weight loss is slower but it's incorporating food and challenges from the real world, so you are probably going to keep it off. Also Medifast is 300 bucks a month and it tastes like dehydrated cr*p, while mfp is free and forces you to be thoughtful of what you put in your body.
  • happyjerseygirl123
    Medifast is a good diet for people that need a faster lose, either for medical reasons or due to the fact that if they do not always see a lose then they will not stick to a plan. It is a good plan for people that don't want to spend a lot of time thinking about choices. You eat 5 medifast meals a day and one meal of protein and low carb veggies. You limit workouts to 45 minutes daily. It is expensive, about $330 a month but for people who have failed at everything else it is well worth the cost. I have done medifast in the past and lost weight, I have done nutrisystem,Atkins and WW's also. I have lost on all but I gained back on all. There is no one diet for everyone, some people need to strip away most of their food choices in order to succeed. You are doing great with out the extra expense of a program and that is truely wonderful. I wish you all the best in your journey:happy:
  • Fit_And_Heathy_Goalie
    While it might be tempting to try a restricted program like Medifast for fast results, my guess is your friend won't be able to maintain the weight loss and will be wishing she held on to her clothes! Sorry to be such a cynic, but I tried a very low cal weight loss program a couple years ago and regained EVERY pound within a year. It was so depressing. I am so much happier, healthy and stronger since I joined MFP and started a sensible weight loss approach this summer. I'm also eliminating/substituting some foods in my diet, and seeing amazing very limited dairy (now enjoy almond milk and coconut milk), brown rice protein shakes instead of soy and whey, and limited wheat. You are going to be much more successful following a slow and steady weight loss program! Don't get discouraged! Feel free to add me as MFP friend for motivation!
  • collingmommy
    collingmommy Posts: 456 Member
    3I agree with all the rest of y'all. I've got a "friend" that every time i say i lost 3 lbs, i get, "i lost 6 in a week" or something remotely close.. Lol.. I can see that this person had their belly sticking out way to far to have lost anything, except the grip on the slab of pizzain their hand.. The worst part is, i say I'm doing taebo or 30 day shred, ripped in 30, and she says "i used my ab circle for 3 minutes a day" and poof, lol i get so giggly, i got her to tell me her weight one day, she said it, the i asked if she had a scale i wanted to see my weight, we went to her bathroom and she jumped on the scale first, it was 7 lbs higher then whay she said it was! Mine was down 2lbs from what it said the day before! Lol.. I'm doing it the right way, I'm losing fat, sites doing the " i don't get hungry, so i don't eat" method. Honestly, she horks down food then has to lee to make herself feel better! U can lure to me, but the scale tells the truth, same with the tape measure.
  • Alissakae
    Alissakae Posts: 317 Member
    Thanks everyone. I KNOW all this in my head.....but it really helps to have smart people say it to me. Gotta get over this discouragement, and you all have helped a TON!
  • Superchas
    Superchas Posts: 129 Member
    As a serial yo yo dieter I believe that you only have a finite amount of will power and as such when you are in the mood to lose weight you should get rid of it as fast as possible. I lost 21 lbs on a severe 1000 calorie a day diet for a fortnight and i have never looked back and joined mfp with a weight loss head after that.

    Believe that if this weight loss can be achieved through exercise rather than through eating less this is better as exercise will mean that you should shrink in proportion avoiding excess skin etc.

    Once you reach your target weight then you can worry about your diet for life.

    i have been on mfp for almost a year and started this diet a year ago when if you had asked me to run 50 yards or you would shoot me then would have spent a long time thinking about whether you would miss. Ran my first charity 5k yesterday in moderate 30 minutes but could have done it again.

    I fall off the horse or in my case my exercise bike and have the odd lapse for maybe a fortnight but you get back on because you have no intention of going back to carrying around an extra body.

    Congratulations on your weight loss to date and know that you are on the right path
  • Emily_Hicks
    Don't give up. I can relate to what you said about "stopped caring about myself." I'm on Medifast, and I just keep drinking the eight glasses of water a day while I try not to get discouraged as it seems to go more and more slowly. I've lost 34 pounds and only one person has said anything. Are you keeping a journal so that you can go back and look at the feelings that you've had during the process? Are you doing some things for yourself that you enjoy?
  • Oh2BeMaintaining
    Oh2BeMaintaining Posts: 188 Member
    This is a familiar story, one that you probably heard as a child. It's called The Tortoise and the Hare. If you don't remember it, read it again and you will learn that slow and steady wins the race!
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    In mid-July I decided to really get serious about taking my body back! I've lost 50 pounds or so a couple of times, then quit caring about myself and gained it all back with interest, so now I've got 150 pounds to lose and have been working hard at it. So, in four months of counting calories and working out 5-6 days per week I have lost 30 pounds. It finally feels like a significant amount, although nobody has noticed that I look any better (I accept that with as fat as I am it is going to take a good 50 pounds lost for anybody to see a difference). The thing is, today a friend posted on FB that she has lost 34 pounds since Oct. 2. More weight than I've lost in 4 months! She started out close to my size and also says she has gotten rid of lots of clothes she shrunk out of. My clothes are loose....but I really can't wear the next smaller size yet. She's done all this using Medifast. it worth it to keep working as hard as I am and getting slow results? I'm jealous of her success, even though I know in my heart that it's probably unhealthy. I need a confidence boost here!

    Dont do it're way is the right way. Im doing it the same way you are and its hard and its slow and its aggravating and it just aint right on many levels BUT...I personally am not gonna be sucking down icky gritty sand flavored shakes or drinks or crap forever with all those other trumped up programs. BLECH.

    I prefer to learn to eat healthy and lose weight with foods I can actually eat, enjoy AND maintain a healthy lifestyle on. Dont ever ever let someone else have any kind of power over you like this, even indirectly. YOU ARE STRONGER THAN ALL OF THIS

    COMEON NOW...........dont let these fly-by-night programs intimidate you.

  • Alissakae
    Alissakae Posts: 317 Member
    Thanks so much! You just made me feel strong!
  • trjolly1
    It is worth it. I went the fast track to weight loss years ago at the risk of my health. Gained twice as much lost. Slow but sure is the only way to go.
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    (in my best Arnold voice) DO NOT COMPARE YOURSELF TO OTHERS. It only drives you crazy. It's taken me 18 months to lose 70 and if I was putting myself up against other people, I would have quit by now. Slower loss = healthier and more likely to stay off because you've built lifetime habits. He/She can't stay on medifast indefinitely.
  • 4Phoenix
    4Phoenix Posts: 236 Member
    It is not about a temporary weight are establishing a way to live for life. Keep up the good work!:flowerforyou: