Tummy Tuck????

Anyone had or looked into a tummy tuck??
My fears: the pain, the scar, pregnancy after tummy tuck.

I went from 340lbs to 177lbs excessive skin is bad!!


  • Innerautumn
    Innerautumn Posts: 120 Member
    I have had three kids and have a lot of excess skin. I also have diastasis (ab muscles are torn apart) and two hernias. I need a tummy tuck to repair all of this. I have read that you can have kids after, but I have seen three doctors who told me I must be done having babies to get this done.
  • samblanken
    samblanken Posts: 369 Member
    I have had three kids and have a lot of excess skin. I also have diastasis (ab muscles are torn apart) and two hernias. I need a tummy tuck to repair all of this. I have read that you can have kids after, but I have seen three doctors who told me I must be done having babies to get this done.
    Tummy tuck is not hernia repair.
    I have had groin hernia surgery three times. It will not stop me from having kids. May force me into a C section, but not eliminate the possibility of pregnancy.
  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    The more I lose weight and try to "tone up" the more I want one. But I am far too scared. You have to be in compression garments for like 2 or 3 weeks, you'll have tubes draining fluids out of your wounds and stuff, you'll be in pain for weeks as well and pretty much unable to do anything for the first week... You have to really want to have a flat tum so the pain will be worth it. I'm still questioning whether I want it that badly.
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 985 Member
    i know, my weightloss isnt as dramatica s urs, but ive had 2 babies :D so ya, excess skin is a B****! i recently had a consultation for a tuck, dr said im ideal for the surgery, but im still kinda going back and forth on it in my own mind....esp due to the $$$ issue. if your considering it, make sure your done having babies and your at ur ultimate goal weight....also holding your goal weight for at least a year to make sure you can maintain that weight comfortably long term. my gf had a tuckand put on a bunch of weight after, now her tummy looks right sick and her pubic hair seriously comes above her blet line (SICK EH?! ) because the skin was so taught that it just all stretched up. yup. some things to consider, lol
  • wow that's great you have done a wonderful job. how long did it take you total to lost this weight? wow that gives me hope i'm 312lbs right now i never dreamed of getting to one anything. i'm trying to get to 250lbs
  • Ta2dchic20
    Ta2dchic20 Posts: 376 Member
    I have had three kids and have a lot of excess skin. I also have diastasis (ab muscles are torn apart) and two hernias. I need a tummy tuck to repair all of this. I have read that you can have kids after, but I have seen three doctors who told me I must be done having babies to get this done.
    Tummy tuck is not hernia repair.
    I have had groin hernia surgery three times. It will not stop me from having kids. May force me into a C section, but not eliminate the possibility of pregnancy.

    It's not hernia repair, but it is cheaper to have it done during the surgery and some people are able to get part or all covered by insurance.

    I would personally recommend having your kids first. Otherwise you may need another down the line or a pregnancy could cause more severe hernias.
  • surromom2010
    surromom2010 Posts: 457 Member
    I wouldn't bother with a tummy tuck until AFTER pregnancy. Then I'd totally be into it.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I have a friend who has had a baby after having a tummy tuck. It didn't affect her. But the surgeon will do contouring, so s/he'll remove the fat cells from that area (lipo)... so if you gain fat after, you will gain it where there ARE still fat cells. If you used to put on fat in the belly, it will go to other places like your backside, thighs and even arms instead of the belly. For some, this results in the fat going on disproportionately to arms or back etc. It's not always where you think it will go. So do whatever you have to do to not put weight back on after.
  • kstev7
    kstev7 Posts: 2 Member
    I have had a tummy tuck. My kangaroo pouch hung over my belt when I sat down and I couldn't stand it anymore. I would say please just make sure you're at a steady weight that you intend on maintaining for at least a year before going forward with surgery. Also, have realistic expectations. The scar will be very large and unnatural looking. You will have strange sensations or lack of feeling around your waist for maybe forever as far as I know. Make sure that all this is worth it in relation to the extra skin. The surgery was pretty tough to recover from and was very painful but that's peanuts in relation to the results you think you can get. I guess I am happy that I got it. It's been a tough realization that I'll never realize the goal I originally had in mind but at least I can be semi-proud to take my shirt off now... :)
  • samblanken
    samblanken Posts: 369 Member
    I have had three kids and have a lot of excess skin. I also have diastasis (ab muscles are torn apart) and two hernias. I need a tummy tuck to repair all of this. I have read that you can have kids after, but I have seen three doctors who told me I must be done having babies to get this done.
    Tummy tuck is not hernia repair.
    I have had groin hernia surgery three times. It will not stop me from having kids. May force me into a C section, but not eliminate the possibility of pregnancy.

    It's not hernia repair, but it is cheaper to have it done during the surgery and some people are able to get part or all covered by insurance.

    I would personally recommend having your kids first. Otherwise you may need another down the line or a pregnancy could cause more severe hernias.

    If you have insurance, you can probably get them to pick up the charges for everything but the tummy tuck, so yes it could be a way to get it done and save some money.

    And yes definately have kids before you get a tummy tuck. The hernias may or may not affect future pregnancy. My OB told me that I may need a c section because of it - considering that I've had to have one of them fixed 3 times I can see how pushing during labor might blow it open again, or even pregnancy itself (they said if that happened they would fix it during C section).
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I had a modified tuck. I had little diastasis, so I only needed sutures in the bottom couple of inches and I had the "apron" lopped off. Recovery wasn't bad. No worse than my c-section was. The worst part was the 6 months of swelling. I also have some numbness on the lower part of my abdomen that is likely permanent (surgery was almost 5 years ago).

    Most surgeons recommend waiting until after you have kids, but it's not absolutely necessary. You just need to be prepared for the possibility that you could need another tuck if your skin and muscles don't properly retract.
  • Innerautumn
    Innerautumn Posts: 120 Member
    I have had three kids and have a lot of excess skin. I also have diastasis (ab muscles are torn apart) and two hernias. I need a tummy tuck to repair all of this. I have read that you can have kids after, but I have seen three doctors who told me I must be done having babies to get this done.
    Tummy tuck is not hernia repair.
    I have had groin hernia surgery three times. It will not stop me from having kids. May force me into a C section, but not eliminate the possibility of pregnancy.

    I realize tummy tuck is not hernia repair. My hernias can be repaired by a general surgeon. He would use mesh and cut from my sternum to my belly button. Because I have a three inch gap between my muscles and the facia is torn, there is nothing to prevent future hernias. That is why this is the best option for me. I have no clue about the effect of hernia repair on pregnancies. The OP asked about how TT affected pregnancies. That is what I was referring to.
  • lauriem1966
    lauriem1966 Posts: 134 Member
    I had one 7 years ago, and don't regret it. I would not have one until done having kids though, it would be a waste of money.

    My scar runs hip to hip but you can't see it unless I'm naked, I have some numb spots still, probably always will, its weird, sometimes I get an itch that I can't scratch and it drives me crazy.

    My recovery was pretty typical I think....the first 3 days were tough, then once I started forcing myself to walk around the house I started to heal more quickly. Had the drains removed after 9 days I think? Ran a half marathon 6 months later :)
  • My mom had one done and the doctor took two hours to due hers, she had no bruzing due to him taking his time. He also walked her through everything that goes into one to make shure it was the right choice for her. And wait till after you have had kids because your muscle de-tatch from your abbdomen because you growo to have the baby and that would be undoing what you are getting done with the tummy tuck. look more into it with a talk with a plastic surgent. She paid around five thousand for just the tummy tuke with out the added cost of the other docter that are there and your hospital stay. But as she puts it, you can pay it off just like a car note. good luck
  • kelleybean1
    kelleybean1 Posts: 312 Member
    I had a mini tummy tuck after my kids were born, about 15 yrs ago. I was at my goal weight, but had "the belly". It was expensive and I felt like I'd been hit by a mack truck. It worked, but it was really rough to recover (and I was in great shape at the time) and I have a pretty big scar. Would I do it again? I don't know. Oh, and it will not repair a hernia.
  • Innerautumn
    Innerautumn Posts: 120 Member
    Oh, and it will not repair a hernia.

    I KNOW THAT! It will help hold your guts in and prevent future hernias though! And they can fix a hernia at the same time that this is done! And they can use your own flesh to repair the hernia instead of mesh like they would with just a hernia repair!
  • Kara1031
    Kara1031 Posts: 12 Member
    I had three babies and consistently incorporated exercise into my life for three years prior to surgery. I was not at my goal weight but within 20-25 pounds and I decided I was not getting any younger. I had the surgery last December and the recovery is about a year. First three months were tough and devoted to recovering. I worked out hard to be in good shape prior to surgery to help with an optimal recovery. I have lost about 18 pounds since the day I went in for surgery and want to lose up to another 10-15 pounds. It is hard to tell since I cannot tell my body where to take it from. Looks and feels like I could lose another ten in each thigh. Losing the additional weight has not affected my results and I do not regret any part of the process. I would do it again ten times over. I was never going to be able to pull my muscles back together with exercise and the skin flap over my hip bones was there even at a lower weight than I am now.

    I would recommend waiting until after you have had babies. I waited til my oldest was 20 years old to take the time for myself and recover without having little ones or the worry of caring and carpooling etc. I did not drive for three weeks and even then it was not the most comfortable. Some women are better at sucking it up I guess. I was glad I did not have the additional stress added to my recovery. But in life everyone does what they have to do and it would not be impossible as evidence by so many who made the choice to do it with short time off work or little ones etc.

    I am back to working out full board and the swell hell months... are finally behind me. I still swell occasionally, but not to the size and shape of a barrel, but more of a feeling of tightness without the increased size.

    I did not fit into my pre-op clothes for months although my shape was much better.

    I can say I knew for years I would do it, but it just had to be the right time. Do not be impatient and do what is best for you and your family.

    I do recommend the time just after the Christmas holiday. I went into hibernation as so many families do and for six weeks while I was at my worst, no one missed me and by the time spring came around I was able to be active and outside with my kids and exercise. I would not want to wear compression all summer long. But everyone has time available when they have so you take the opportunity. The first three months are slow moving. I finally enjoy not thinking about my procedure and recovery everyday.

    I do have a scar... So.... It is low and getting pretty light. I can hide the scar or hide the gut... I choose hiding the scar which will be less and less visible with time. Hiding my flabby belly was and would never get easy.

    I went on vacation a month ago and realized I took 7 bathing suits for four days. I only owned maybe two bathing suits over the twenty years I hated my belly. It was a fun moment and smile when I realized this while unpacking.

    Research and if you do not already know about the website makemeheal.com, it is a great resource to ask questions and read about those that have gone before you.