When do you post your calories???



  • topshopperwantabe
    topshopperwantabe Posts: 112 Member
    I post my breakfast, snack and lunch first thing in the morning as I pack my lunch for work. I track my water as I drink it. I usually have planned dinners and do a lot of my recipe cooking on the weekend so we have some meals all portioned and ready in the refrigerator for heating up later. I save all my meals in the recipe creater on MFP. If we go out to dinner, I track the meal before ordering (so many restaurants have that information on their website or a member has already posted it in the database) Thanks goodness for smart phones. Many of my restaurant meals are halved before I eat it so there is a lunch or another dinner for later. I seem to get in a rut with some foods, lunches, snacks etc because it's working for me. I am serious about logging, this is the only thing that has worked for me in 20 years. I love MFP.
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    Depends on how I feel. This morning, for example, I planned out my whole day up until dinner when I was packing my lunch for work. That way, I know exactly what I'm working with. Most of the time, though, I log right as I'm eating them
  • piratesaregrand
    piratesaregrand Posts: 356 Member
    usually the night before, so i can work out exactly when i can have some cake
  • Sabrina__26
    I write everything that I eat during the day in a little notebook that I have (there's no way I'd remember exactly how many grams of everything I ate otherwise!), then during the evening or whenever I get the chance, I'll add what I ate to MFP.
  • Keto_T
    Keto_T Posts: 673 Member
    I log after each meal, snack, etc.

    Me too for food calories.
  • RitaSantoss
    RitaSantoss Posts: 986 Member
    Whenever I have the time to do so.
  • JaceyMarieS
    JaceyMarieS Posts: 692 Member
    I have only one rule and it has worked well for me. RULE#1 Never never never eat anything before it is logged. if you do this you will not go over by accident EVER

    I couldn't agree more. I recently heard pre-logging described as "looking at the price tag before committing to the purchase" and like that description a lot.

    And pre-logging doesn't imply perfection by any means, but if i am going to go over, I want it to be a conscious decision and not an accident. I want to own the behavior.
  • flutterbug123
    flutterbug123 Posts: 81 Member
    I track everything right away otherwise i'll forget.
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    I pre-track my breakfast and lunch in the morning most of the time during the week. I very rarely eat before I track, even if I'm tracking it right before I put it in my mouth.

  • sydimar
    sydimar Posts: 21 Member
    I actually track it first thing in the morning. I pre-plan what I'm going to eat for the entire day which really helps me to stay below my goal. If I do my daily planner and realize my calories are too much I cut back the portions or snacks
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    I usually log my breakfast before eating it, unless it's my usual. Then I'll log it afterwards. Every other meal of the day is logged before it's eaten. At times, I will log my day the night before. I've only gone over once, and that was because a food was listed incorrectly here. It wasn't until afterwards that I realized, and hopped on the treadmill to fix it!
  • Car0lynnM
    Car0lynnM Posts: 332 Member
    I usually try to pre log breakfast, lunch, and day time snacks. Dinner is more difficult, because I don't always know what's going on (if we'll even be at home, or if my husband will be gone, or what). Pre logging as much as I can keeps me to the plan, and I don't over eat.
  • Ash_ah_lee
    Ash_ah_lee Posts: 116 Member
    night before.
  • jmuller06
    jmuller06 Posts: 109 Member
    I almost always log while it's sitting in front of me, before I eat. If I wait, I inevitably forget something. Also, I find doing this helps me see where I could be making better choices.
  • anggxo
    anggxo Posts: 102
    Sometimes after I eat them, but I'm forgetful so I end up logging at night most of the time :P
  • missabeez
    missabeez Posts: 280 Member
    I have been logging the day before, or in the morning before the day starts. I am trying to make sure that I keep my macros where I want them so that I don't lose my precious muscles, since I am working out so hard! I think of it like budgeting money - Don't want to get too far into debt, and logging before helps me make healthier choices :P
  • alisiaendris
    alisiaendris Posts: 213 Member
    Whenever I have the time to do so.

    ^^^This^^^ :smile:
  • iSurvive
    If I don't do it right away I tend forget the little things.
  • feeny
    feeny Posts: 110 Member
    I sit at a desk on a computer all day at work so I usually just add them in as I eat them. But sometimes if I know what i'm going to eat since I pack my lunch and dinner I'll add it all in at once. On my days off I just add as I eat since I have the app on my phone.
  • bootygone
    Usually prior to preparing/ eating so I know Im not going over, Or to make sure I have enough for my daily goal :smile: