Congrats on being under your food goal?



  • bluemilan
    I am usually always under my food goal because of the exercise I do some days. Yesterday I was still to have 1200 which I just could not use despite trying.

    Most food i eat is low in calories--ie fruit and veg so it is sometimes really hard for me to use them all up despite lowering my intake to 1300.

    I agree being 100-200 under target may be good but we need the food as fuel to function and using less means we cannot function at our best despite thinking we can.
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    I have my notifications for that turned off because I think it's stupid. I give "Way to go's" for exercise and log in days and such but the reward for eating or not eating a certain amount is ridiculous.
  • leesehm
    leesehm Posts: 117
    i only congratulate people for food if i see what theyv eaten and i think its a good day lol - even if that is over
  • lyndalpn
    lyndalpn Posts: 151 Member
    I look at my friend's diaries and congratulate them if they ate clean and balanced - I look at the nutrients, not the calories. I don't comment on closed diaries.

    I agree. I find it hard when someone has eaten under their calories consistently, but thats because their entire days intake is a Big Mac and a Mars bar. And I have a few people commenting on how low I am (I tend to run 1000-1200 but it is full of food- fills a page - because I carefully avoid processed food where i can and, being diabetic, there are lots of things I just cant eat.
    I think quality is very important, not just numbers.
  • AnexRavensong
    AnexRavensong Posts: 262 Member
    It's iffy. I think looking at the diary is a good idea too. People who eat 1200 or less I won't comment on simply because I don't agree with it and it is better to just not have the same argument over and over. I have had days though where I eat that much or less even though mine is set to 1880, due to being sick or whatever.

    I have Mc Donald's too, I eat cookies and things of that nature that would make the strict 'OMG don't eat that!' person think I was the devil or something. Don't hate me because I am not depriving myself.

    We just need to be less judgmental. Goals are probably a better thing to congratulate on assuming the person isn't doing bodily harm to reach those goals.
  • floopysandi
    floopysandi Posts: 138 Member
    I like to encourage and motivate. I don't just not comment because someone had a bad day or has a closed diary. I would rather people be honest in their logging because otherwise it only hurts them. If I am worried about how little someone is eating I tend to send them a message since some people get embarrassed to be singled out. I know it is about eating healthier, but it is also about dropping calories too. If someone has a donut or candy, I am not going to roast them for it since at least they are moving in the right direction. Also, since I look at every open diary daily I can see that it is often just a bad day. I have them too since I am changing the habits of a lifetime.
  • Martina_Who
    Martina_Who Posts: 172 Member

    I never comment on diaries as I think how a person chooses to eat their allocated allowance is up to them and many people go under quite drastically and instead of people being concerned they congratulate them on it! Madness!

    I myself have some days where'd I am over and some days where I am a lot less but that's life, it can't be perfect all the time but I do try always!
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    I find I am usually under my calorie goal BUT in saying that, I plan my food for the day so I am within 5 calories of my goal - I'm on 1330 cals and I want to eat my goal each day, without going over unless I am having a planned day. Even then I plan to stay under my TDEE. It is part of my routine to re-educate myself on disciplined eating and portion size management.
  • sincerely4me1o0
    sincerely4me1o0 Posts: 41 Member
    This thread has helped me so much. I am new to mfp, well actively using it, and have seen so many congratulate for this that I just started doing it myself. It didn't occur to me to actually look at their diaries. From now on I will congratulate consciously. I did kind of get irritated when I was under my goal of 1200 and mfp 'scolded' me for it. It wasn't by a whole lot either. And I believe I am doing very well on my food choices. I haven't changed anything because of it, because I feel I am doing well. Thanks for this! When you know better, you do better. So keep learning and teaching!
  • lyndalpn
    lyndalpn Posts: 151 Member
    It's iffy. I think looking at the diary is a good idea too. People who eat 1200 or less I won't comment on simply because I don't agree with it and it is better to just not have the same argument over and over. I have had days though where I eat that much or less even though mine is set to 1880, due to being sick or whatever.

    I have Mc Donald's too, I eat cookies and things of that nature that would make the strict 'OMG don't eat that!' person think I was the devil or something. Don't hate me because I am not depriving myself.

    We just need to be less judgmental. Goals are probably a better thing to congratulate on assuming the person isn't doing bodily harm to reach those goals.

    I guss its all about personal choices. By not eating cookies or McDonalds or whatever I dont see that I am derpriving myself at all. I am really enjoying eating clean and healthy and after almost 5 months of eating this way I am not missing "junk food" at all. When I have had a bit or staste I just dont enjoy it anymore. I certainly don't hate you for choosing too though. I guess in the same way I am eating around 1000-1200 calories a day and eating really well. I'm a doctor myself and I'm under the care of a dietitian - yet some of the "go under 1200 and you'll kill yourself" crowd would hate me for it too!

    Agree with you 100% when you said "we just need to be less judgemental" !
  • lyndalpn
    lyndalpn Posts: 151 Member
    oops. excuse my typos- typing too quickly!
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    I do not try to eat under my goal but it does happen
    How do we know when we have gone to far?
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    Personally, if I'm not hungry I'm not going to eat whether I have 3 calories remaining or 400 calories. Most days, I'm hungry and eat anywhere from1200 - 1500 calories. Some days I'm under and some days I'm over (like on Sunday when I had ice cream and a coke for breakfast!). Unless someone is drastically reducing their food/calories (like in an eating disorder type of way) I don't think its an issue to vary caloric intake throughout the week. I prob should mention, that I'm not losing weight, just maintaining and I might be more strict if I was actively trying to drop weight.
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    I look at all my friend's food diaries daily, provided they are open, and comment accordingly. I would hope my friends do the same for me.

    I'm the opposite, I very rarely ever look at diaries. I don't know the persons situation and what their day entailed to openly comment on it. I don't know if they are low carbing, low-fatting, trying to bulk, etc.