Anyone using recently Nutrisystem?

katznketo Posts: 323 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I really want off 25 pds ove the next four months. Thinking of trying this for a few months. The food looks better than a couple of years ago. Has anyone tried Nutrisystem? kc


  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Just eat real food. There's nothing special about Nutrisystem. I think the food is very high in sodium, it's waaaaayyyy overly processed and insanely expensive when you take into consideration all the fresh foods you have to add to it.
    Plus, it doesn't teach you how to eat in real life which is the main component of taking off weight and keeping it off.
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    I know you are right about that. But I have three people in the house to cook for and I would just like to have me out of the way. I thought that it is weighed and everything and it would say to my brain - that food is theirs and this is yours.

    But if it has a lot of sodium, then I can't eat it anyways. Thanks, kc
  • willnorton
    willnorton Posts: 995 Member
    eat real food and wait till you have to pay $300 per month for food and then but all the other food you have to buy,,like milk bread...veggies drinks......fruits..

    and its full of eat real food and automate your meals...cook the meats ahead of time and then al you have to put with it is salads and veggies..

    i have done it twice...had good success but the cost got me...
  • denny4
    denny4 Posts: 11
    My sister did Nutrisystem (still does) because she has to stay on their meals or she gains weight back. You can find easy lower calorie real food that is much more nutricious and less expensive that will help you learn to eat the right foods that you can do forever. In my honest opinion, don't bother with Nutrisytem, just go to the babyfood isle and pick up the toddler meals. They are about the same size, probably taste about the same (I think the few is nasty, although dear sister says "It's great" and tries to force me to try it), and much cheaper (probably lower sodium too). Putting all that processed preservative crap in your body is not healthy eating!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I know you are right about that. But I have three people in the house to cook for and I would just like to have me out of the way. I thought that it is weighed and everything and it would say to my brain - that food is theirs and this is yours.

    But if it has a lot of sodium, then I can't eat it anyways. Thanks, kc

    :huh: I cook for my boyfriend every day and my friends every week and I eat the same things they eat (within reason, of course). Since I'm working on a deficit, I sometimes make things like gobs of cheese or tons of butter optional and I opt out while they all opt in, and that's fine and easy enough. But really, there's very little difference in what we eat. My boyfriend doesn't mind because he's still getting tasty meals. On top of that, he's lost 20 pounds without even trying (:grumble: ). :laugh: Just because I'm cooking healthier. And honestly I think he likes the food I make now more than most of what I cooked before.

    Think about this: Are you going to eat different foods for the rest of your life? Because it's not like you can just go back to eating the way you ate before once you lose all the weight. Otherwise you'll just end up where you started.

    I make healthy food that is delicious, too. It's really not difficult. I guess it's just something you have to figure out for yourself, maybe. I know it has taken me a while to figure it out and train myself out of my old way of thinking.
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    Just getting on for the day. Thanks for the feedback. I know you are all right. But every single day I do fine. I have no problem at breakfast and lunch is easy cause the kids are at school. but by dinner, I am exhausted, and I over eat. Tonight I made enchilada's and sliced tomatoes and cucumbers. i had a nice amount and then they were so good, I had some more.

    I just thought if I ate my own food, I would have my portion figured out for me and I wouldn't have the temptation of yummy food.

    Thanks for the help. kc
  • Water added to this, water added to that. Thats is what Nutrisystem is. The truth is the food never tastes as good as a decent portion of real food. Marketing is great, but the key to weight loss is not taking that stuff. It is portioning, nutrient rich food. It is taking control of your own well being. I appreciate cooking for many. My wife eats one thing. Each of my two kids want different things. I something altogether different. so when it comes time for me to eat, I go with the tried and true, tastefully good, Weight Watchers Smart Ones from the freezer isle. They are scrumptious and they are easy. When you are worn out, it is an easy fix. That with a veggie, and maybe a slice of bread and you are all set.
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    I did Nutrisystem's last Jan and HATED it. I have 2 friends who have lost a bunch of weight on it and I just didn't want to have to think. Yeah, I started thinking, started thinking this stuff taste like poop. I ended up trying to buy things with the same calories in it that the food I was eating. Once one of my friends read the labels and said most of the stuff contained fish that's all I could taste.
    I'm a big believe that everyone should eat healthy and made it a rule in our house, from before my daughter was born, that I will not be a short order cook. If I want to make this stick forever, then it has to be healthy, it has to be good and it has to be a large portion! My husband came to terms with no white bread or white pasta in this house years ago. Healthy is good for everyone, not just you!!! Although YOU deserve to be healthy too!!!!
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    I laughed at the last post. Yeah, I bet Nutri does taste like poop. And this morning I got up and decided that Smart Ones and Lean Cuisine was the way to go.

    I know I am nuts to cook for this picky family, but I do it. You know what? I don't want to eat food I don't like and I just don't blame my family if they don't like something. Alex doesn't like much of anything but meat. and that means no chicken or fish. He wants beef. jake (6) wants no meat and anything wrapped in a tortilla.

    dad wants steak and I like fish and chicken. So I try to please. I HATE cooking dinner and I guess you can see why. So I pretty much try to please Dad and Alex and wrap jake's food in a tortilla. HA. Ha.

    So here I go with the frozen food section and a bunch of veggies. Thanks for the input. It really did help a lot. Be blessed. kc
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    First, know that I'm a bit of a skeptic, a bit of a cynic and a bit of a realist all rolled into one (I'm a ton of fun :tongue: ). And also, I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut. :indifferent:

    I would never advocate a steady diet of Smart Ones and Lean Cuisines. I'm not a registered dietician by any stretch of the imagination but I'd be willing to bet they all agree with me. Frozen meals are essentially the same deal as Nutrisystem with the same problems and the same unhealthy factors.
    But, it's your health and your choice. I promise I have nothing but good intentions & a desire to educate (because I was ignorant for so long and I wish someone had slapped me in the face with the truth). I think it's important for someone to realize that they're not doing their bodies any favors by eating junk. :flowerforyou:
    Then, once I know you're aware that you're not doing yourself any favors, I can be at peace with you making that choice despite what you know.
    You know, kind of like how I choose to enjoy a couple beers once or twice a month. Or kind of like how I used to smoke cigarettes knowing full well they were nothing but pure awful for my health.
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    The food really didn't taste that bad at first, but it did start tasting badly and I quite after 2 weeks. I did lose 16 lbs in those 2 weeks (I was at 250 at the time and eating crap).
    I hear you on the pickiness of the family, I'm just a big believer in everything in moderation and try to keep it healthy. I don't want my husband to die at a young age any more then I would want to die at a young age. That's just how I look at it, but I get it. My 2 year old barely touches anything because she likes her snacks better.
    Anyhow, my sisters friend did Jenny Craig and most, if not all, of their food goes in the microwave. I don't know all the specifics of this, but then end was this: Due to microwaving all the plastic dishes all the time something (I wish I could remember what) very vital in her system went up and she got very sick. Be careful with all that plastic in the microwave! I've heard you should move it to a glass plate and micro it, but I'm not sure if that would mess up how it gets cooked.
    Best of luck to you and I think it's amazing you are raising your grandkids!!!
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    Thanks for all the info. I do listen and appreciate it. So I decided no Nutrisystem and to use the frozen dinners only at night when and iff I absolutely have to being too tired. Tonight i ate a frozen turkey pattie, peas and sliced tomatoes. It was as good as one of those dinners, I guess.

    And yes, I know take them out of the trays and put them on a plate.

    I would make dinners for myself ahead of time and freeze them and I actually did. They were gross. GROSS

    I am not the best cook. Actually, I am but only on unhealthy food. I cannot eat good stuff in moderation. If I could, I wouldn't be in this predicament in the first place. So I try to eat fairly tastey nutritious food but stay away from trigger carbs and sweets.

    Thanks all, kc
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    How do the frozen meals taste if you take them out of the plastic. I love the smart ones pad Thai thing, it was yummy. I find it much easier for myself to stay away from unhealthy things rather then trying to eat a small amount too. I just don't like to mess with myself like that. Sounds like you have a solid plan!
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