losing willpower ...

So I was doing okay for like two Weeks....still very hard to not eat tons at night but lately the past 4 days or so I've lost all motivation I have been looking at the before and after for motivation I guess I'm just ranting looking high nd low trying to find my motivation and willpower again :/


  • Kelly_fat2fit30
    Aw! I know how you feel!! What has helped me is the saying "It takes 21 days to make a habit"

    When I first started this lifestyle change, my goal was to be under my calories, and do moderate exercise every day for 21 days. It feels like a long time when you're in it but once it is done you will feel SO much better. Once you reached the 21 days you can reward yourself with a NON food item. (something to pamper yourself, a new article of clothing, shoes etc) and then give yourself a few days to take a break and not fixate on your calories/exercise. I can PROMISE you at the end of the 21 days (3 weeks) you will feel so much better. Healthy, clear headed, sleeping better etc and you will want to continue going. But if you give yourself just a 3 week goal you can accomplish it so much better! Good luck and remember your pals are all behind you!!