How have you all been able to 'get back on track?'



  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    My final question to all you awesome people is this.

    I'm in front of a packet of high calorie chocolates. They are not within my calorie goal or my health/fitness schedule. Plus, I have already had my 'healthy treat' today. What do I say to myself to persuade myself to walk away and forget about these chocolates. What would you do in this situation?

    This is the one major conflict that always brings me down.

    me? I check and see what I'd have to do to burn it off. will it be worth it? do I have time to fit in an extra hour or two of working out to burn it off? probably not so I'll stick it in my desk and save it for a truly desperate moment, like after a crazy customer walks into my bank branch and screams at me for 10 minutes for causing his account to go negative and freaks out when I can't find his account in my system before we all realize he's at the wrong bank. (this happened last week, he walked out without apology instead yelling "what kind of idiots are you that you couldn't tell right away that I'm not your customer" I was soooo very glad that I had a really delicious high quality chocolate bar in my desk!)

    Also I have become a bit of a treat snob. I have pretty solidly convinced myself that if its not high quality its just not worth it. Once in a blue moon I break down and eat a readily available cheap snack but about 99% of the time I can hold out for the small square of really good chocolate that I have at home instead.
  • WilliamsPeggy
    WilliamsPeggy Posts: 440 Member
    My final question to all you awesome people is this.

    I'm in front of a packet of high calorie chocolates. They are not within my calorie goal or my health/fitness schedule. Plus, I have already had my 'healthy treat' today. What do I say to myself to persuade myself to walk away and forget about these chocolates. What would you do in this situation?

    This is the one major conflict that always brings me down.

    Save it for tomorrow, then pre-log tomorrow's food diary and incorporate one or two of those chocolates. Planning ahead is key.
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    My final question to all you awesome people is this.

    I'm in front of a packet of high calorie chocolates. They are not within my calorie goal or my health/fitness schedule. Plus, I have already had my 'healthy treat' today. What do I say to myself to persuade myself to walk away and forget about these chocolates. What would you do in this situation?

    This is the one major conflict that always brings me down.

    Save it for tomorrow, then pre-log tomorrow's food diary and incorporate one or two of those chocolates. Planning ahead is key.

    Another vote for this solution. Saved me many times, and when tomorrow comes you might surprise yourself and not even want those chocolates anymore ;)
  • PatriceMG
    PatriceMG Posts: 232 Member
    No matter the situation - I need to find a good frame of mind that will defeat any temptations. I want to be able to say NO, so I can get on track. But as posted previously, I like the idea of "taking it day by day", conquering each day.

    Just start with one meal, then two, then one day, then two, etc. Don't try to be perfect all at once. A little at a time makes it easier to chip away at more. I fell off for a bit and then re-started this way and it worked for me. Plus, drink lots of water. That really helped for me. It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle. There will be good times and bad. Just strive for more good times than bad. Good luck to you!
  • liesevanlingen
    liesevanlingen Posts: 508 Member
    QUOTE: My final question to all you awesome people is this.

    I'm in front of a packet of high calorie chocolates. They are not within my calorie goal or my health/fitness schedule. Plus, I have already had my 'healthy treat' today. What do I say to myself to persuade myself to walk away and forget about these chocolates. What would you do in this situation?

    This is the one major conflict that always brings me down." end quote

    Some other options:
    --Say to yourself "I don't want it right now. I can always have it later if I really want to, but I don't want it right now." Repeat this to yourself a few times and walk away. I love the feeling of empowerment this gives me. I'M in control, not the chocolate.
    ---Distraction techniques--brush your teeth, go for a run, call a friend, make a to-do list, etc.
    ---If you really feel desperately that you want it, you could get it and split it with one or more people--there's half (or more!) of the calories, gone!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    My final question to all you awesome people is this.

    I'm in front of a packet of high calorie chocolates. They are not within my calorie goal or my health/fitness schedule. Plus, I have already had my 'healthy treat' today. What do I say to myself to persuade myself to walk away and forget about these chocolates. What would you do in this situation?

    This is the one major conflict that always brings me down.


    After Bali, you will have to have a new mindset. But for now, if that works, do it.
  • eileenchristine
    eileenchristine Posts: 228 Member
    I have made a commitment to log honestly daily. That's it. Of course I am making much better choices because I know I have to log what I eat. Even on those days I want to give up and veer off the path a bit, its ok. I am not setting myself up to I can only eat this, not this. Not setting exercise goals.

    I only have to log my food and exercise. I only weigh in at my TOPs meeting 1x a week. And its working. I make better choices. I move more...... and I am losing a healthy amount of weight. Surprisingly easy!

    I know when I get down closer to my goal weight I am going to have to make better choices and work out more, but one day at a time. For now this is working. When I drop 40 or 50 lbs and the weight isn't moving like now, then I will decide what to do.

    I think for me setting up unrealistic goals would be setting myself up for failure. Today I will succeed. Will deal with tomorrow when it comes.

    Hope this helps.