to be or not to be by Kal

I was on the beach on may 2009 and I took some pictures when I went back home and I put them on the computer I asked my wife who is that elephant in the picture ? she said it is you honey ....and I open my mouth and I almost fainted have I reached this limit ? I wonder why my pressure is always high no midecations is helping next day at 3.00 pm in the heat I was on the tread mill runing and walking for 25 minutes and I reduced my sugar to 2 Tbsp a day and I stopped eating rice and fast food.
I was excercising every day just 25 minutes but every day and the heat was almost 110 degree I felt like I am a lamb on the stove and the fat melting..hahahah and the story still long ...maybe next time I will all there is always hope always don't lose hope ever,,,
