working 3rd shift-need advice and help!

As the subject of my post says I work 3rd shift 10pm-7am at WalMart stocking shelves. Every night or I guess I should say morning at 2am we have a lunch break. I am confused to whether or not eating a full lunch at this time is actually hindering me trying to lose more weight than I could be? Usually, when I get home I will not eat breakfast since I just ate at 2am, will sleep from about 8am-2pm, then have lunch at around 2pm then eat dinner around 6:30pm and have lunch at work at 2am and the cycle continues! I don't know if I should just not eat anything at my lunch break or not, the problem is I am always hungry then:( so I do not know what to do! It's really hard to work third shift, try to get enough sleep, and be a full time student working on my bachelors degree. I just really need advice or suggestions on what I could do!


  • VastBreak
    VastBreak Posts: 322 Member
    I would think you need to eat at 2 am. That is your typical day. Your body needs fuel especially with your job load.i say plan out your day and meals to fit your calorie goal. I probably wouldn't eat when I get home if I am going right to bed. That would be like a normal schedule and eating at 9pm. I would eat when waking, then again at 9pm ish then again on your lunch break around 2am. Fill in with snacks along the way.
  • Dozer_LOD
    I agree with the previous post. I also work mid shift, 2230-0700, and I eat my daily schedule as if I am working a day job. My breakfast is at 3PM and Lunch before I go to work and Dinner at work. I don't 4 hours before I go to bed as if I was a day walker. It is not natural for the body to up at night, although I have done 7 years of graveyards, but being able to keep your body on a schedule will help you in the long run. good luck man if you need any help or advice let me know. Feel free to add me as well!!
  • CynicChick
    CynicChick Posts: 11 Member
    I am 25 years of rotating shift work - 12 hour shifts days, nights, weekends, stat holidays - the whole shabang. I eat breakfast when I get up around 3pm, then during the nightshift (12 hour night) I eat a normal sized lunch around 1130-1230 am ,and something lighter around 2-3 am if I am hungry. I will eat a slice of toast in the am before I go to bed if I am hungry, but sometimes I am just too tired to eat. My work night including the 12 hours worked and the drive there and back will tally 13.5-14 hours depending on traffic.

    Hope this helps. Shift work sucks.
  • daniel7121
    daniel7121 Posts: 166 Member
    I work the night shift, 7pm-7am, and I've found that eating like a normal day, breakfast when you wake up, lunch during your shift, and dinner afterward or near the end, has gone pretty well for me. The tough thing for me, working as a police dispatcher, is having many opportunities to snack in between. Good luck!
  • radioraven
    radioraven Posts: 89 Member
    I do the same thing working 11p-7a, but my home life is messed up because I have young kids. I get up at 10pm, have a green smoothie while getting ready/driving to work, then eat a decent meal at work around 2:30 -3am, then my lunch (which is breakfast foods) @11am after working out and showering. A light snack @ 4pm, like string cheese, or a banana/apple with peanut butter, then go to bed @5. My hardest point is I work where there is any kind of food imaginable around to eat while I'm there.