Splitting One Meal Over Two Days?

Is this allowed?
Last night about 11.30pm I had the munchies. So made three slices of toast with butter and marmite. If I were to consume all three slices I would have gone over my calories for Sunday.
So I added two slices onto Sundays 'Snacks' and one slice onto today (Monday's) breakfast. I figured since it was nearly midnight it was technically breakfast anyway :tongue:
Because this piece of toast is being accounted for today, does that make it ok?
Or should I have just put three slices down for Sunday and gone over on my calories? :frown:


  • maurierose
    maurierose Posts: 574 Member
    You will probably get varied responses on this.... I think it's fine - as you said, it is accounted for within a short timeframe. While I personally don't practice the philosophy, there are people here who balance their calories for the course of an entire week.... too much room for error for me!
    I have even done the opposite, I ate far too few of my exercise calories one evening, and added half of them into the next day's breakfast! All in balance.... good luck to you! :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • CLebon
    CLebon Posts: 5 Member
    I don't see the point of doing it really... you have eaten 3 bits of toast in the evening, not 8 hours later in the morning, so you are only deceiving yourself.. ;)
  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member
    I don't see the point of doing it really... you have eaten 3 bits of toast in the evening, not 8 hours later in the morning, so you are only deceiving yourself.. ;)
    I agree. If we are using the food log as a tool, then how is it helping if we don't log accurately? If we put the truth down, then if we have a problem with losing weight we can go back to our log and perhaps identify the problem. For example, if you don't lose weight for a week, and then go back and see that you had three toasts with butter and jam on Monday night, and cookies and milk on Tuesday night, and peanut butter and crackers on Wed night [ok, you get the idea], then you would be able to spot that late night snacking is a problem. But if you've switched foods around, then you are losing one of the benefits of the log.

    Of course, sometimes just to hurry things along, I myself will put all my morning and afternoon foods at lunch, but that is due to wanting to speed up my posting, not because I am trying to hide anything from myself. But, you asked if you should intentionally be switching foods because you are unhappy with what you ate. To me, that reason would qualify for a "no" answer.

    MEANWHILE, keep up the good work of striving for a healthier diet, and good luck with moving towards your goals!!
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    Let us know how this works out for you. Your body is the one that will let you know if it is allowable or not.:smile: I don't allow myself anything with caloric value after 9PM. You might want to make yourself a note in your food diary to remind yourself of this decision, in the case your weigh - in shows something that isn't desired.
  • linzismith
    linzismith Posts: 139 Member
    i feel like there are a lot of days where i have to go over for some reason or another (like christmas, for example). If i know i'll be going over on xmas by probably 900 cals, i stay under by 450 the day before and the day after (or spread it out over more days if that's too hard).

    calories in, calories out is all that matters. in fact, i think it's better for your body to get a little variation so it doesn't get too stuck in a rut. some people recommend that if you should be eating 1400 cals a day, that you actually eat 1200 one day and 1600 the next and rotate like that.

    either way, as long as that third piece of toast is accounted for in your "calories in" then i think you'll be fine.
  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member
    either way, as long as that third piece of toast is accounted for in your "calories in" then i think you'll be fine.
    You are soooo right that it is "calories in, calories out". But, why fib on when you take in the calories? I'm not arguing here, just wondering.
  • OpalFruitJam
    OpalFruitJam Posts: 114 Member
    either way, as long as that third piece of toast is accounted for in your "calories in" then i think you'll be fine.
    You are soooo right that it is "calories in, calories out". But, why fib on when you take in the calories? I'm not arguing here, just wondering.

    So you think I should move my toast back to yesterday and 'go over'? I suppose it's only 62 over.
    I have only done this once... well as in .. today I suppose and it would give me an extra 150 to play with that I had originally lost.
    Ugh gym soon also to work it all off :(
  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member
    So you think I should move my toast back to yesterday and 'go over'? I suppose it's only 62 over.
    I have only done this once... well as in .. today I suppose and it would give me an extra 150 to play with that I had originally lost.
    Ugh gym soon also to work it all off :(
    I'd probably not bother to go back and change it, but maybe next time try to figure out your motivation (in a hurry, or trying to hide your tracks?), and then post accordingly. IMHO. :smile:
  • BigdaddyJ
    you gotta realise that playing with numbers on the site doesn't change anything about what's going on in your body, I'd say next time add it in the right day and start new the next day.

    anyway 62 over isn't much, remember also that the numbers on this site are an approximation, it's almost impossible to give out a precise count for each individuals, we are all different!

    So dont be so hard on yourself, just forgive yourself when you go over and start new the next day!!

    Good luck !