Running w/ injury... or not?

About a month ago I broke my big toe. I can still feel in-between the toe joint and the toe-to-foot joint a bump from where the item that broke it landed. It doesn't hurt to flex, but if I try to point my feet with my toes then yes it hurts or is uncomfortable. Obviously it's still not healed. I had buddy-taped it for a while but stopped when I could flex it again thinking it was healed.

ANYWAYS, I miss running. I have a bike and can do that. I have a treadmill and can walk or run inside too BUT I want to run for a number of reasons. Is it REALLY that inadvisable to run on a semi-injury? I'm a little afraid the high-impact of running would either further injure it or maybe, out of my ignorance, it wouldn't do anything at all and someone will tell me this has happened to them...

Advice? TIA.


  • mnstrpc
    mnstrpc Posts: 109
    That's tough. I know how it feels to miss running. Hopefully some others will chime in. As much as you want to get back out there, I'd be inclined to say stay off of it, in part because it's the big toe and not a smaller toe, and I know at least for me, my big toe kind of helps to push off in my stride.
  • Liss416
    Liss416 Posts: 209 Member
    When you broke your toe, did you see a doctor? What did the doctor suggest? Personally, I think you should hold off. It sounds like it's almost completely healed. Running too soon will stall the healing process, if not re-injure the toe. Wait at least one more week. Sadly, I speak from experience. I have chronic achilles tendonitis - and if I run before it's completely healed, the injury worsens... Good luck!
  • fairestthings
    fairestthings Posts: 335 Member
    When you broke your toe, did you see a doctor? What did the doctor suggest? Personally, I think you should hold off. It sounds like it's almost completely healed. Running too soon will stall the healing process, if not re-injure the toe. Wait at least one more week. Sadly, I speak from experience. I have chronic achilles tendonitis - and if I run before it's completely healed, the injury worsens... Good luck!

    No I didn't go to the doctor. I almost did but my husband said I didn't need to, as he had broken his when he was younger and all they do is buddy tape it and tell you to ice it and take some anti-inflammatories. I Googled and saw that 99% of others said the same thing -- unless it was black and blue, then you needed to probably have it set back but that wasn't/isn't my case, thank God! LOL

    I suppose you're both right. *screams* It's so annoying!! LOL