P90X Support

Hi everyone,
I'm currently on my second round of P90X. I Lost 33 pounds during my first round. I'm hooked. If there is anyone's else out there that needs some help or motivation, please feel free to add me. I belong to a fantastic support network called P90X/Insanity The Game Changers

If your P90X DVDs are collecting dust, lets do this. I'm no pro here. Just a dad trying to improve his health.


  • marinegirl92
    marinegirl92 Posts: 184 Member
    Thanks Simon... how did you know I needed a pick me up today!
  • worrblade
    worrblade Posts: 20 Member
    I am 4 days away from finishing my 2nd round of p90x! what day are you on now? i might do a different program when i finish but it would be great to be doing the same thing with some one else so we could see what each of us are eating!
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    I'm on my last two weeks of P90X, what a journey it's been!!!
  • Chinadorian
    Chinadorian Posts: 200 Member
    I am buying it this week and starting this weekend. cannot wait! Any helpful hints for a beginner? Im at beginner /intermediate fitness right now...
  • VictoriaWorksOut
    VictoriaWorksOut Posts: 195 Member
    Have been wanting to do it for a while, and plan on starting it in February. I will check back then.
  • bradenapple
    I'm in week 3 now of P90X and I'm so glad I'm doing it. I've spent most of my life giving myself excuses to not go through with something like this but now i've come to the point where i know there is absolutely no reason i can't do this. you do this at your own pace and level of intensity. i even threw my back out this weekend but you know what, i've gotten up everyday and done my video even if i barely have a range of motion i'm still doing it. for the past 2 weeks i've spent most my time, when not at work, sitting at the hospital with my dad due to him having back surgery but when i got home you know what i did??? my videos! NO ONE can make excuses to not do this. you buy it, you decide to do it and you do it! i've had to stay up to midnight just to get a video in. there are no excuses with p90x!!!!
  • JohnMHouston
    JohnMHouston Posts: 5 Member
    Per my PM, I'm thinking of starting this but I don't want to jump in with both feet. I'm going to follow and read the forum you mention above. Thanks for sharing!
  • simonkurth
    simonkurth Posts: 395 Member
    Hi Chinadorian,

    Good luck with starting. Tony Horton's enthusiasm is infectious! I started at 311 pounds only 98 days ago. Currently weighing 274. If you buy in and give it your all you will be successful. I found the first few weeks really difficult.

    The hardest thing was the food. The diet aspect of p90x can be overwhelming. The initial fat shredder stage (these words will become more familiar) takes a lot of getting used to. The aim is to eat 50 percent protein/ 30 percent carbs and 20 percent fat.

    Even after 1 round it's difficult to track. Number one tip, go to goals upon your MFP settings and change the macros to reflect 50/30/20. You probably won get even close your first couple of weeks, but keep trying. P90X results based around 80% on nutrition. Who wants to get flogged for 90 days and not make progress? Not me lol

    I've got plenty more I ccan share with you.
    Feel free to friend me.
    Check out our group too. Super supportive and humorous environment. Finding the group had been one of the main reasons for my success so far. Team work is key.
  • simonkurth
    simonkurth Posts: 395 Member
    I'm on my last two weeks of P90X, what a journey it's been!!!

    Alright !! Congrats. Keep pushing. I can't believe I made it through. It was probably one of the most important things I've ever done in my life.
    You should feel really proud!' Only 12% of people who start P90X complete the program.

    I loved it so much that I started round 2 four days after completing my first round
    Currently on day 7/90

    Feel free to friend me .
  • simonkurth
    simonkurth Posts: 395 Member
    I'm in week 3 now of P90X and I'm so glad I'm doing it. I've spent most of my life giving myself excuses to not go through with something like this but now i've come to the point where i know there is absolutely no reason i can't do this. you do this at your own pace and level of intensity. i even threw my back out this weekend but you know what, i've gotten up everyday and done my video even if i barely have a range of motion i'm still doing it. for the past 2 weeks i've spent most my time, when not at work, sitting at the hospital with my dad due to him having back surgery but when i got home you know what i did??? my videos! NO ONE can make excuses to not do this. you buy it, you decide to do it and you do it! i've had to stay up to midnight just to get a video in. there are no excuses with p90x!!!!

    You rock Braden. Thanks for the post. P90X/ Insanity The Game Changers Member respect lol
    I hope your back is feeling better
  • simonkurth
    simonkurth Posts: 395 Member
    I am 4 days away from finishing my 2nd round of p90x! what day are you on now? i might do a different program when i finish but it would be great to be doing the same thing with some one else so we could see what each of us are eating!

    Feel free to join our group. We have about 20 people doing either p90x or insanity. We have people from all walks of life ranging from 50 somethings,mothers who recently had children to ex athletes like myself who have made poor health decisions for numerous years. Congrats on nearly completing your second round. I'm about 83 days behind you LOL!

    Some people who are graduating soon are moving to body beast and other programs. I just ordered p90x 2. I'm hooked.

    I also like to get ideas off other people. It's such a great team environment on MFP.
  • simonkurth
    simonkurth Posts: 395 Member
    Thanks Simon... how did you know I needed a pick me up today!

    We give each other a pick up marinegirl . That's why I love this site so much.
    Thank you for your service
    Happy Veterans day
  • thomakg
    thomakg Posts: 69 Member
    Wow - just dusted off my P90X last night - before I logged back on to MFP for the first time in a month - and found your post! I have painful osteoarthritis but I'm going to work as hard as I can within my limits - there are some things I absolutely can't do safely, but it's great to know you guys are out there...