Hello from London ON!

Hello. :)
My name is Isis, I am 21 years old and have a 4 year old boy.
I heard about myfitnesspal through another website and thought I'd give it a shot.
I'm trying to reach my goal of 120lbs, I've done really well on my own but took a "break" and now I'm ready to start back up again. I currently weigh in at 143lbs (down from 170lbs). I blogged about my weightloss journey starting at about 150lbs. It was really difficult for me to keep up with the amount of excersize required to lose the weight and I find thats really what I have the most issues with.
When I excersize I typically try to follow Jillian Micheals 30 Day Shred dvd. :)

If you have any questions about me feel free to ask or check out my profile!
