Why is it SO HARD to just NOT put that in my mouth?

I don't understand it. I'm not hungry and what I'm eating isn't really ALL that amazing. So why do I feel like I'm losing if I don't finish all of my food or eat that random candy bar just to have something sweet. I keep telling myself it's just ONE little thing. But look where all those ONE little things have gotton me :( Why is something so simple so damn hard! And NO I wasn't forced to finish all my food at dinner when I was a kid....


  • Jennaissance
    It's the hardest thing ever! It's not like humans evolved by not eating when they got full. No, we have these systems that store that energy for later. We aren't really built for a world where we don't have to store because food is all around us.

    I try to keep as little as possible sweets and snacks wise at home and at work. It's harder with kiddies and a husband. I use the MPF phone app and I will log it before I eat it and that gives me a chance to decide if it is worth it or not.

    I think about it like this: I could eat that mini candy bar from the bowl at work but is it worth a half hour walk? Hell no.
  • Jennaissance
    Also, if you are a snacker be sure to save calories for it and plan those snacks into your day.

    I heard this saying "eat only until 80% full." When you sit down for a meal don't eat until you are full. Eat a little and in half an hour or 45 minutes you won't be hungry anymore. You can eat those calories you didn't have at lunch or dinner for an afternoon or evening snack.

    I do this so that when that craving strikes I can have that snack and I don't go over my calories.
  • JennKoz529
    JennKoz529 Posts: 144 Member
    I ask myself this question ALL THE TIME. The worst part is when you eat something you thought you wanted (Ie the horrible nasty chinese food I sooo thought I wanted for lunch last week) and you end up feeling horrible because it was nothing but junk! And to top it all off, it didn't even satify me!!!! I'm like this with any kind of sweets. I'm not a snaker of chips and pretzels but if you put a piece of chocolate candy in front of me (or a cookie, or a cupcake) I'm going to eat it! And I can't just have one I have to have 10!!!

    There are times when my will power is strong, but this is not one of those times!!! So, what to do we do to curb all this??? If you have any suggestions let me know!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I don't understand it. I'm not hungry and what I'm eating isn't really ALL that amazing. So why do I feel like I'm losing if I don't finish all of my food or eat that random candy bar just to have something sweet. I keep telling myself it's just ONE little thing. But look where all those ONE little things have gotton me :( Why is something so simple so damn hard! And NO I wasn't forced to finish all my food at dinner when I was a kid....

    You can eat a candy bar or clean your plate and lose weight just fine, just account for it
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    I can't think of anything to say that won't get me in trouble
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    That's what she said... Sorry couldn't resist.
  • morticiamom
    morticiamom Posts: 221 Member
    My mind went to a very naughty place when I read the title.
  • therapyruns
    therapyruns Posts: 164 Member
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I don't know. I did that for years and years - popping one thing after another into my mouth. I felt that I was out of control, but that wasn't true. Every single time, I made the choice to pop something else into my mouth. I was hungry for something; that much was true. But it wasn't food. I'm finally getting around to not distracting myself with the food so that I can get to the bottom of whatever else it is that I need but am not getting.

    On a good day I just power through those impulses and turn my attention to something else. My goal is to eat my 4 meals per day plus a bedtime snack and NOTHING else. I don't care if I feel hungry at 1:00 and lunch isn't until 2:00. I wait. I've made this choice, and I'm not interested in anything else that whiny fat kid inside of me has to say. (sigh ....... and on a bad day you can probably guess what happens, but the bad days are much fewer and further between than they used to be)
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    it sucks, but unfortunately its just one of those things where youre going to have to either chose between the torture of sitting with the treat and not eating it, or chose between the torture of the belly aches after indulging on an entire package of treats. which one is the lesser blow for you?

    try subsituting, for example i LOVE granola but its loaded with carbs, sugars and other oils that are just unhealthy for me. so i sub it with rolled oats soaked in a sugary tea (try celestial seasonings sugar cookie sleigh ride tea it is SO good and zero calories) and thats what i sub. and practice walking away from treats. you find that the YES i said NO feeling to be a greater reward than the brief sugar rush you feel when indulging on all those hostess brownies :c

    gotta just wean yourself off it, girl! its hard, but is anything in life worth doing ever easy? :wink:
  • BritneysStuntDouble
    I get that a lot.
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    Well that was disappointing *hangs head and walks away*
  • SofaKingRad_
    What's the point of putting it in your mouth if you aren't going to finish it off?
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    What's the point of putting it in your mouth if you aren't going to finish it off?

    finishing what you put in your mouth is good for you
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Just make sure you enjoy it if you're gonna put it in your mouth.
  • ECA67
    ECA67 Posts: 806 Member
    I've thought of it midway through chewing and went and spit it out.
  • entwife
    entwife Posts: 134 Member
    oh my! tee hee :laugh:
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    I was forced to eat all the food on my plate as a kid.
  • beachgirl172723
    beachgirl172723 Posts: 151 Member
    Okay--this response is also directed at reaffirming for myself what I have learned over the last couple of months--maybe it will help you too. If not, just ignore.... :) I think......It is so hard because of lots of reasons. For me, I'm a junk/sugar addict. There is only one solution for me now--manage the environment. I don't buy it. Kids don't need it either--they need to form the healthy habits now so they don't struggle later in life. I now buy only the "treat(s)" that I can have one small bit of and stop. If it's a trigger food, I don't buy it. Pizza? Nope--can't do it. AT ALL. It is a trigger food and a gateway food--I will not stop eating it and then I will not stop eating other junk. So --I don't buy it anymore. Doritos? Same deal. Reeses? Same! All it takes is an extra 100 calories a day to put on 10 lbs a year and 100 lbs in 10 years--to become morbidly obese by the time one is 30-something. So all those one little things add up--and it ain't pretty--my lower upside down light bulb looking half is testimony to that--blechh!! I gained 52 lbs in 2 years time by eating just one little thing extra--all the time. Now a size 16 (recently down to a 14) in what was a size 4-- 5 ' 3'' and 170 lbs (now 158)--not pretty and it hurts. Don't let that be you- I am learning to manage the environment so that I, and not food, can manage me. I save the treats and the extra calories for something that is deliciously worth it--I have them --but sparingly--and only select ones--because they are a wonderful part of life, but I make it completely worth it and I savor that moment. And then, I am done. Hope that helps someone. A lot of that came from what I learned from David Kirchoff's Weight Loss Boss book (WW CEO); I don't do their point system, but some of the other concepts are great. He also has a great blog as well--manmeetscale. You can do this!