Back again

Hi all
My name is jo and im from Wincanton in Somerset (UK). I did have an account on here before but gave up just because i could not be bothered but my weight is rising again and i need to shift this flab so here i am. I joined the gym again today with the intention of going once every other day where i can and getting my self fitter and in better shape too. I have an under active thyroid and that does not help either but i have to do something or i will end up the size of a house. :(
I really need some UK friends needing to lose about the same as me. I need to shift about 50lbs but as tesco say every little helps and i need help planning meals that dont include tomato, cucumber and fish as i am terribly finicky.
If i have not put u off wanting to be my friend then please feel free to add me and this time i am going to do this.