Strength Training at home

This may be a weird post, but I've been taking some great strength training classes as the result of a Groupon I bought awhile ago. I've had some great results, and I feel like this may be the strongest I've ever been, but sadly once the Groupon expires I'll be out of luck since I can't afford a gym membership right now. Today I missed class so I decided to do some body weight resistance exercises and to my surprise, my arms are just as worn out as they are after one of my kettlebell classes.

I am feeling more confident now that I'll be able to continue building muscle at home, but I was wondering if anyone else has had experience/success with strength training at home with minimal equipment (I currently only have a set of 5lb dumbbells).


  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    So far I have only done body weights and small hand tools that I borrow from hubby. They seem to be helping as I am finally seeing some results in my arms.
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    Can you really not afford 20 bucks per month to improve the most important thing you will ever have?

    Anyway, if not, check into bodyweight routines like you are your own gym and\or convict conditioning.
  • khaney4
    khaney4 Posts: 8 Member
    I use resistance bands. They are super cheap and fold away in a drawer when your done. YouTube has several vidoes you can follow to help you get started. Good luck!!
  • AthenaErr
    AthenaErr Posts: 278 Member
    Because I couldnt afford a gym membership, plus time getting to and from gym, I bought a 50kgs barbell, dumbbell set with weight plates online from York from Amazon (about £50). I also have a swiss ball. I do NROL4W with this. I think I might still buy pair of 10kg plates to make for less screwing and unscrewing of plates. Its not as convenient as a gym maybe. The set lives in our coat cupboard, I gte it out, do my stuff, unscrew it all and put it back in. I'd love a bench and a rack but we are city dwellers and space is at a premium.

    Having said that despite the constant adjusting of weight plates for diff exercises its still a damn sight quicker that getting to the gym. Plus I still get a thrill at seeing my big 'man' weights in our cupboard - seriously, still, about 5 months laters they still make me smile.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    Can you really not afford 20 bucks per month to improve the most important thing you will ever have?

    Anyway, if not, check into bodyweight routines like you are your own gym and\or convict conditioning.

    Absolutely not trying to be a ****, but I have to agree here. Make your health and fitness a priority and cut spending elsewhere.
    I've had situations where money was extremely tight, so I know it's not always easy, but try to make it happen.

    If not, check craiglist, save up 100 bucks and try to get an olympic barbell set. You can do just about anything with a barbell
  • 5-pound weights are actually really good for shoulder strengthening routines. Look into straight press, Y press, side raises and straight punches. You don't need a lot of weight for shoulders. Just do more sets.
  • lightweightdiva
    lightweightdiva Posts: 41 Member
    Can you really not afford 20 bucks per month to improve the most important thing you will ever have?

    Anyway, if not, check into bodyweight routines like you are your own gym and\or convict conditioning.

    The gyms that are close to me are much more than $20/month and I'm not really making ends meet as it is, so I'm trying to avoid adding another monthly expense until I am more stable.

    I figured with videos like P90X, Insanity, and 30DS being so popular that there would be a fair amount of people who are able to see results at home. I'd love to hear from people who have either done those programs or found something else that worked for them. (I have some friends that can burn me the dvds... shhhh, don't tell)
  • AntShanny
    AntShanny Posts: 359 Member
    I don't go to the gym, I just work out at home. I have 2 kettlebells and a couple of dvds to go with them and recently bought a weight set with plates so I can adjust to the weights I want to use. I don't think it's necessary to belong to a gym, and it's not just because of the'a also the time and convenience. I'd much rather work out at home and not have to worry about getting to and from the gym...going to the gym isn't the only way to get healthy!
  • AthenaErr
    AthenaErr Posts: 278 Member
    I also do 30DS with 5lb weights and find I get good results off that.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Can you really not afford 20 bucks per month to improve the most important thing you will ever have?

    Anyway, if not, check into bodyweight routines like you are your own gym and\or convict conditioning.

    $20 is too much money unless you are full of win. Some people are full of debt instead. :laugh:
  • lightweightdiva
    lightweightdiva Posts: 41 Member
    I use resistance bands. They are super cheap and fold away in a drawer when your done. YouTube has several vidoes you can follow to help you get started. Good luck!!

    Thanks! I always forget about resistance bands!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Can you really not afford 20 bucks per month to improve the most important thing you will ever have?

    Anyway, if not, check into bodyweight routines like you are your own gym and\or convict conditioning.

    The gyms that are close to me are much more than $20/month and I'm not really making ends meet as it is, so I'm trying to avoid adding another monthly expense until I am more stable.

    I figured with videos like P90X, Insanity, and 30DS being so popular that there would be a fair amount of people who are able to see results at home. I'd love to hear from people who have either done those programs or found something else that worked for them. (I have some friends that can burn me the dvds... shhhh, don't tell)

    These, plus bodyweight exercises, are all you need. There is no need to spend ANY money on exercise, unless you simply want to. You can get an excellent workout and gain a LOT of strength by just using your body weight.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I don't go to the gym, I just work out at home. I have 2 kettlebells and a couple of dvds to go with them and recently bought a weight set with plates so I can adjust to the weights I want to use. I don't think it's necessary to belong to a gym, and it's not just because of the'a also the time and convenience. I'd much rather work out at home and not have to worry about getting to and from the gym...going to the gym isn't the only way to get healthy!

    Exactly! Going to a gym can add 40 minutes to your day of just being in your vehicle!
  • newmooon56
    newmooon56 Posts: 347 Member
    There are plenty of ways to work out at home cheaply. Yes the gym at 20 or 30 a month is also cheap - to some. Some can not bring another bill into their world atm. But buying equipment isnt free either -so pick and choose how it works for you.

    Look on craigslist and other selling online sites for used stuff. Husband and I bought a squat cage with bench, weight rack and 300#s of weights with olympic bar for $500- the price of 1 year at the gym for 2 people. We will use this for the rest of our lives (which will be longer now, right ? :tongue: ) and I feel we need very little more in addition to what we have.

    If I wasnt going full tilt with the cage and free weights- Id probably still spend about $100 getting some kettles, dumb bells and decent jump rope for starters.

    Others may want a yoga mat, bands and medicine ball for their perfect gym. Figure out what you love to do and start pricing it out.

    Exercise is forever- the investment pays for itself in no time. When a gym membership ends- then what? If you will renew and renew and go and go- worth every penny. If you like it at home, there is no price to high to pay for making your perfect gym.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I don't go to the gym, I just work out at home. I have 2 kettlebells and a couple of dvds to go with them and recently bought a weight set with plates so I can adjust to the weights I want to use. I don't think it's necessary to belong to a gym, and it's not just because of the'a also the time and convenience. I'd much rather work out at home and not have to worry about getting to and from the gym...going to the gym isn't the only way to get healthy!

    I agree with this!! I pay for a gym membership but I never go because I feel like I get a much better workout at home because I'm not afraid to grunt and yell and fling my sweat around, and it's more convenient. They just won't let me cancel my membership, jerks. But yeah, you can still make health and fitness a priority without spending a dime or walking into a gym.

    As for workouts, I do like P90X a lot. I don't have the 1+ hour per day to commit to the program but I'll do a P90X DVD as part of my routine every now and then and I love it. I also love what Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred (free on youtube) and Ripped in 30 does for my arms, shoulders, back, and legs. Those are also regulars in my routine. Also, ballet twice a week (I'm sure you're not interested in that, but ya know) and running twice a week. I'm in the best shape I've ever been in my life and I haven't been in a gym in 6 months.
  • amateurdude
    amateurdude Posts: 44 Member
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    It makes me sad that someone felt the need to be critical of your financial situation and insinuate that a gym is the only proper way to get fit. I personally wouldn't step into a gym if you paid me to be there. It's not something that I find necessary or required to get in great shape. I have have slowly worked on my home gym and have a great deal of equipment now, I didn't at first. I love my kettlebell, it was one piece of equipment that really got me started. I still revert back to it when i can fit it into my routine. What I did was started with a 10, then ask I worked up - kept my receipt and exchanged it for a heavier one within a few weeks as I decided it wasn't enough, I finally settled on my 25lb one, which is still working for me for a very long time. I'm not a resistance band fan, but have found weights as garage sales, craiglist and friends who don't use their equipment any longer. It's worked out well for me. I sometimes stick with pure body resistance training just to push range of motion and form to exhaustion.
  • sadiegirl32
    sadiegirl32 Posts: 181 Member
    I just started You Are Your Own Gym, the beginners class. I got the book originally from the library for free then once I decided to try it spent $12 on Amazon. Hopefully that is within your budget. I can tell you that I am SORE...of course I am completely out of shape :smile:
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    i have dumbbells, a curl bar, a medicine ball, and a stability ball at home in a crunch i can get a good workout using that equipment.

    any exercise can be modified to fit your fitness level or your equipment... it is just a mater of how strong your will is
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    I can understand weightlifters and bodybuilders being enthusiastic about going to a gym and that's fine - if that's what you want to do with your time and money.

    But working out at home and using bodyweight and resistance bands etc should not be viewed as less effective or second class. Bodyweight exercises can be far more challenging than weights, depending on how you introduce difficulties as you become stronger and more able and how much you put into the workout. They are also more applied to real life.

    I definitely recommend the book "You are you own gym", which I bought from eBay and you can also download the eBook for cheaper from the website of the same name. Excellent material.