Brazillian Butt Lift DVDs?

If you have done them how did you like them? Did you see the results you were wanting?


  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I live them. I started BBL after being in Physical Therapy for hip and knee pain from running. I was given PT exercise that were taking me 30 minutes per day - and were boring. I genetically have no butt at all, so any work was helpful. I've maintained BBL while marathon training, even the upper body workout is good, I do it with a 25 lb kettlebell. I'm not very big, so I had to work on development not shrinking. But the program is fun, fast, easy to follow and got great results. I didn't ever really do the cardio sets, but as far as the strength and other routines, I've been very pleased. I just added the BBL Master's series to my routine, which are a great change up and just as challenging. I have upgraded my band, leg weights, and other weights - however I can use no weights at all, really push range of motion and still get an incredible workout.