My name is Will and I'm tired of being fat.

Hey everyone, my name is Will and I'm tired of being fat. I'm a 22 year old college student and I graduate next month. I'm 5-10 and weigh 207 lbs. I've always been an athletic "big guy" and now I just want to be athletic.

I actually started getting in shape back in February when I weighed 238 lbs. I lost close to 20 lbs by doing Insanity with a friend.

Over the summer I found MyFitnessPal but only half way committed to it. I was doing really well (got down to 200 lbs) but over the past month and a half I just stopped and let myself go. I'm not entirely too sure why. Some of my closest friends left for the military, my childhood dog died, and I'm stressed with graduating school/finding a job BUT those are just excuses.

Anyway, I broke out the P90X/Insanity hybrid worksheet this morning and have decided to go all in with MFP. I'm focused on getting in shape and finally losing this weight. I'm tired of being fat and self conscious. I'm probably the least confident guy I've ever met which doesn't bode well for meeting girls (which let's face it, I'm 22! I want to meet girls).

Sidenote: My dad has been such an inspiration over the past year as well. Since April, he's gone from 260 to 210 by working out everyday and eating a lot healthier. He's definitely more disciplined than I am when it comes to eating habits.

I've been reading the boards for the past few months but figured I might as well get involved with the community as well. Maybe typing some of this stuff out will be therapeutic.


    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
  • Krissee23
    Krissee23 Posts: 281 Member
    Hello! Nice to meet you!

    My name is Kristen and today is my Day 1 as well!

    I know how it feels to try and then it all just slip away to stress. That happened to me the beginning of this year and now I finally feel that I am ready to start again and actually get the weight off this time!

    If you ever need a friend or encouragement, I am here! :)
  • jnp96
    jnp96 Posts: 163
    I know for me it was being so damn sick and tired of being fat that motivates me to lose weight. I've done Power 90 and had really good results so I am sure that P90X & Insanity will deliver.
  • jenbehe
    jenbehe Posts: 110 Member
    Hi Will! Nice to meet you!

    I need to get serious as well. Over the past two months, I've been gaining and loosing the same few pounds. I need to stop these games and recommit to my health.

    Feel free to add me! :)
  • mrganrshort
    mrganrshort Posts: 40 Member
    You can do anything you set your mind too. I've always been the big girl. Feel free to add me and we can motivate each other (:
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I know you can do this. Life can get stressful; but, you can make it better. You sound strong to me.... I believe in you.
  • Lennox497
    Lennox497 Posts: 242 Member
    Making the decision to change for you is step one, congratulations on making the leap. There are many ways to lose weight, but the core principal is simple, it takes hard work and dedication. You can do it.

    From what I have seen in my own personal experience is that your diet is 85% of fat loss. You just have to control your urges and try to eat healthy. Cheat days happen and are not bad either. I have found that strength training is great way to lose weight. Build more muscle and your body will burn more calories throughout the day. Give stronglifts a shot. It is simple but effective.
  • meredithgainey
    meredithgainey Posts: 37 Member
    I, also, am tired of being fat. I hope that I can be more commited this time around and loose it and keep it off. Good Luck! I am also a college student, a mother to two, a wife, a coach and an EMT and kids do lots of extra activites.......We got this!
  • hey will my name is becca. i really feel like i am fat some times too dont feel bad:smile::wink:
  • vadarvs
    vadarvs Posts: 19 Member
    I think it's awesome you are willing to make the change at such a young age. I wish it would have been the case for me. I didn't really get into working out and eating healthy until my late 20's, early 30's.

    Feel free to add me for support and encouragement!
  • alan589
    alan589 Posts: 58 Member
    Go for it will.

    I am 49 ...nearly and have been fat c240lbs for yrs. I am utterly sick of being the chunky guy.

    Lost some weight before I started MFP and have lost 22lbs in 70 days or so on MFP.

    Get stuck in.
  • justgowithit17
    justgowithit17 Posts: 1,392 Member
    Hey will! I'm Dana and I'm tired of being chubby!
    We can be buddies! You can add me for support! You can do this! don't give up:D
  • hi will,u can do this,u can add me if u like:)
  • You're on the right track Will! Keep in touch as much as possible with your Dad. Great story about him. Keep inspirational/montivational people close to you is going to be a large factor in obtaining your goal! Keep up the healthy eating and workout routines. You HAVE to make exercising you main priority! Feel free to ask any questions! Good Luck!
  • Oh man, Insanity and P90X hybrid? There's no way you can fail bro. I lost 35lbs in 90 days on that combo. I remember getting in the best shape of my life so fast I couldn't believe it.

    Every time I'd take my shirt off there was like that initial shock, cause I was just so used to seeing the chubby guy. It worked for me man, it'll work for you guaranteed. Follow that nutrition plan to a T, and use MFP every day along with it. That's what I did! =D
  • Wow. Talk about an overwhelming response! I appreciate all of your responses.

    Throughout this journey, I don't know how many times I've "restarted" but I'm really focused on making today my last "day one." The workouts aren't really the problem. When I lost the weight over the summer, I didn't keep up with my nutrition and still got (some) results. It's the eating habits and nutrition that I'm really focused on improving this time around.

    I'm excited to see where I'm at by the end of this hybrid program. I don't really have a "goal weight" or anything. Because when I was 238, I told myself I'd be happy with 200. Then I got to 200 and while I could see the difference, it didn't feel as good as I'd hoped.

    I'll be honest, my physical appearance is one of my primary reasons I'm doing this (although I know it's not one of the best reasons). I realize I'm never going to look like The Rock or Daniel Craig but it'd be nice to be able to feel comfortable with my body for once in my life haha.
  • Krissee23
    Krissee23 Posts: 281 Member
    Haha I love the last paragraph because at our age, our appearance is what means the most. As a nurse, I would love to say that I am doing this strictly for my health but I would be lying. While my health matters to me, I want my looks lol
  • At least we're being honest though right?
  • sovannac
    sovannac Posts: 445 Member
    You can do it! Feel free to add me if you want!
  • Manapaws
    Manapaws Posts: 72 Member
    you can look like the rock or daniel, it just takes a lot of hard work. I am in the same boat, 5'9" and 245 as of Nov 1, got tired of it and am focused as well. down to 240 as of today, I am going to have a second shoulder surgery in the next month or so. I go to the gym and hit the cardio equipment and use MFP to track. GOOD LUCK AND YOU CAN DO IT.