MFP Estimate calorie count for exercising



  • oXGetFitBabeXo
    oXGetFitBabeXo Posts: 341 Member
    If i were to get a heart rate monitor which one would anyone recommend? i feel like since im smaller im at the point to where its harder and slower to lose the weight. I was at my goal weight then i gained 13lb back with 7 left to go. I used to eat 1200 and burn 600 and not eat what i had burned. It seemed to have worked but now i feel like i need 1200 to be satisfied.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    If i were to get a heart rate monitor which one would anyone recommend? i feel like since im smaller im at the point to where its harder and slower to lose the weight. I was at my goal weight then i gained 13lb back with 7 left to go. I used to eat 1200 and burn 600 and not eat what i had burned. It seemed to have worked but now i feel like i need 1200 to be satisfied.

    Ya, when you have less to lose you have less room for error, like not eating enough for your level of activity.

    So you going to do the same method that didn't work already, namely eat 1200 and burn off 600 in exercise, leaving 600 for your body to repair and build and run basic metabolism with?

    Does that even sound scary to you? It should.

    If you are going to be sticking with the treadmill, trust those figures. Read the study a few posts up if you missed it. Most people don't even know how HRM's work, nor what their stats are doing or changing things on it.
  • the treadmill and bike heart rate monitors and MFP have been almost the same for me. All the other stuff like running and tae bo i usually just subtract 20 minutes off my workouts when i log them.