Healthiest way to eat out... what are your tricks?

I've been noticing every time I go out I go over on calories.

Fried tofu and coconut curry at the thai place= too much fat.
fish tacos at the mexican place. fried again but a little bit better.

wondering what your tricks are for keeping the cals down when you eat out.

I live in a small tourist/ ski town so the eating out options are limited. Some stuff is just too "tourist pricey" I don't do fast food. So what is left is a Vegetarian Middle eastern place, a raw foods place, mexican, and thai. Probably the 1st two are best in terms of health and low fat. But thier hours are limited.

Thoughts anyone?? =)


  • RobKarmic
    RobKarmic Posts: 108 Member
    Google the place and look up something I'd like to eat that doesn't have 1200 calories in it
  • adams17
    adams17 Posts: 4 Member
    Mexican - I usually get chicken fajitas and do not eat the tortillas - just the chicken and veggies. It is very low in calories.
  • carol1930
    carol1930 Posts: 5 Member
    Eat Half an entree and save the rest for dinner the following night. Two dinners for the price of one.
  • Try to pick healthier choices. Or eat your food in moderation. Don't eat all of it, only eat part of it and take the rest home (and maybe give the leftovers to someone else). Also, no soda!
  • Subway - Double Chicken Chopped Salad, take home and use my own dressing... ends up being about 240 cal

    When i want to splurge I go with:

    Panda Express - Steamed Rice or veggies with usually Orange or Mandarin

    Most important thing I've learned is to cut out the extra's like sauces or dressings unless i really know the calorie count, and never drink regular soda
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I just go for whatever maximizes vegetables and lean protein and minimizes rice/pasta and heavy sauces. And no bread. At the mexican place you could get a chicken taco salad, hold the cheese and sour cream and don't eat the tortilla bowl. At the thai place you can get some sauteed shrimp and veggies in a light sauce, hold the rice.

    Once in a while I will get what I want though (and heck yes, gimmie that bread).
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Avoid fried and creamy sauces.
    Something that comes with lots of vegetables.
    Don't eat the starchy stuff.
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I also live in a really small town, so there are not a lot of options for eating out. But my hubby and I have looked up the calories for the places we usually go, and we know what we are going to get before we go there. We stay away from the appetizers and desserts that we used to eat, and just get what we planned on ahead of time. We do try not to eat out very often though, and have actually come to prefer home cooked food.
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    Vegetable quesadilla or fish at the local mexican place. I usually divide any restaurant meal into two portions and put one in a to-go container before I start eating. I also pay a little extra to substitute a side salad for fries or other high fat side dish.
  • crazyellybean
    crazyellybean Posts: 999 Member
    This is HUGE for me since almost every weekend we eat out 4-5 meals due to being on the road for most of it... and it's every Monday that I am up 5-7lbs due to sodium and bad foods...

    Can you use as many tips as possible!
  • WaxMama
    WaxMama Posts: 369 Member
    Plan before hand! Knowing what you will get before hand makes a huge difference. If the place you're headed to doesn't have their stats posted, find the highest calorie comparable food in MFP and log that. Ask for a to go box when you order and immediately package up half of your plate. If you get salad (and who gets salad when eating out?! but I thought I'd say this anyway!), dip into your dressing instead of pouring it over your greens. DON'T drink your calories! And know that even the most prepared MFPer will go over... I have "make up calories" in "My Foods" and each one is worth 10 calories. If I go out on Saturday and eat over by, say, 100 calories, then I'll hop ahead in the week and add 10 "make up calories" to remind me to eat 100 calories under for that day. It seems to help :)
  • BigDave1050
    BigDave1050 Posts: 854 Member
    If they are small "local owned" places, they probably don't have their calorie counts available online. but you can ask them about it next time your there. Some places know and some will find out for you. If it is a national chain, you can usually go online before you go eat and pick out the calories of what you want to eat. (And decide if its worth the calories for that meal)
  • lesita75
    lesita75 Posts: 379 Member
    If know where I'm going I check to see if they have their menu online with the nutritional breakdown. If they do I make my mind up BEFORE getting there. Once at the restaurant I don't touch the menu as this can lead to me changing my mind.
  • LiqueLique89
    LiqueLique89 Posts: 75 Member
    Eat Half an entree and save the rest for dinner the following night. Two dinners for the price of one.

    ^^THIS! It can be hard but that's my rule. I also actually look over the menu very carefully...i check the calories of everything & try to choose accordingly
  • ninakir88
    ninakir88 Posts: 292 Member
    No real tricks.
    I go for anything grilled or broiled, never fried. Also, watch out for foods that are covered with a lot of cheese and toppings.
    Always go for dressing on the side if you get a salad.
    Always get a veggie or potato on the side.
  • sanndandi
    sanndandi Posts: 300 Member
    my friends live very near a "touristy" place and they always ask those pricey places if they have a "locals" prices/menus because a lot of places do and they don't advertise that fact.
  • corys8646
    corys8646 Posts: 41 Member
    The biggest thing for me is to request a to go box when they bring the meal and immediately put half in it. What I eat is typically not the problem, just the quantity that I eat; this allows me to order what I want, but no go crazy on the portion sizes.
  • aponia
    aponia Posts: 28
    Cut out all the fried food and be wary of sauces - a lot are oil based and very fattening. Chicken fajitas are a great option for Mexican! So are refried beans! Sometimes just customize your dish, such as... no sauce, substituting chicken or fish instead of beef, a lower calorie side like steamed broccoli, etc. Do your research on what foods are the best options for your dietary needs and educate yourself; before you know it, making a healthy choice at a fast food restaurant will become second nature.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    If you can look the place up and see their menu before you go, so you can plan.

    Also, select salad (dressing on the side and stick to vinaigrette)
    Forgo the bread basket
    Skip the rice, noodles and potato
    Order a side of fresh veg or two - ask how it is cooked and request they leave off the butter
    Stick with chicken or fish and get it grilled not fried

    If you are going to have a drink...go for a white wine and have only one glass or skip the wine and have club soda with a slice of lime or still water with lemon.
  • Progman
    Progman Posts: 47 Member
    My trick is to up my workout when I know I'm going to eat out.

    I look at it as a treat and try not to get caught up too much in the calorie count. I figure if your going to eat out you may as well indulge a little, because frankly most of what's worth eating is loaded with calories. As long as you're eating healthy at home, just enjoy the dining out experience.