Getting back on track

Hi! My name is Niki and I just joined on here today. My sister has been using this and it has helped her a lot. My most recent try at losing weight really started in Jan 2011. I started going to the gym to get healthier and lose weight because over the past 5 years I had gained 60 lbs. Once I got more comfortable with myself I started running outside and fell in love with running after finishing my first 5k in May of 2011. I jumped into running with both feet and signed up for my first half marathon for October 2011. During that time I ate very well and ran frequently through the week. I had lost 15lbs between May and October. I took a couple weeks off after my half to recover, but still ate healthy. Then my hubby went away for work for 2 months and I got sick at the same time. While I was fighting bronchitis for a month and a half, I only ate soups, oatmeal and the occasional meat because everything else hurt. During that time I lost another 15 lbs and unfortunately fell into the habit of not eating and exercising. By the end of December I had lost 35 lbs total, and loved the way I looked, but knew I needed to get out of the rut of eating less than 1000 calories and burning about 500-600 with running.
So starting in January of 2012 I decided one of my resolutions was to get back to eating healthy, and the other resolution was to run at least 1 race per month. I've been able to do the race a month, which has been very nice. I've been actually eating as well. But in the past year, I've gained 10-15 lbs (depending on the time of the month) back by not eating as well (lots of eating out for breakfast and lunch) and not running as much.
I've decided that I'm sick of it again, and want to get back on track with being healthier. I don't want to get back to my starting weight (6 years ago) of 120 because I was too skinny. I want to be between 135 and 145, I think that is a comfortable and healthy weight for me. Hopefully having something to track all of my habits (eating and running) will help keep me on track.

Thanks for listening to me! :-)


  • nikimae31
    Aw, I guess no one wants to read this. :-(
  • lifetimecarol
    lifetimecarol Posts: 3 Member
    Good for you. I would love to get in better shape so that i can run/walk some more 1/2 marathons. i recently walked an uphill trail of 12.6 miles. i t took me 3 1/2 hours. I would like to do it next year with a better time. I have lost over 50 lbs and have kept it off for 5 1/2 years. Looking for more motivation.
  • bee_strong
    hi niki, way to go with getting back on track, i'm doing that as well, took me almost 11 yrs, but i'm getting there, feel free to add me