I am ready to take care of me.

Hi everyone it ismy first day to join this site.

I have 70 lbs to lose. In the past I have felt so overwhelmed by the amount that I was frozen in fear. I stopped looking outside of myself for the quick fixes, diets, trainers, this one and that one telling me what I should do. Easy for them to say. I realized I had some left over baggage I had not dealt with me that food comforted in a way no one or nothing could.

I prayed for faith and trust in God and ask some prayer warriors to pray for me. For the first time in a long time I feel free. I don't have to ask anyone for anything. I know how to choose the right foods and how to exercise. GOD knows I have been trough it for years.

I look forward from feed back and meeting new friends. It is a journey not a destination. If we are all strong together we can do this. Just like the biggest loser.

:happy: :happy:


  • HealthyGinny
    HealthyGinny Posts: 821 Member
    Hi everyone it ismy first day to join this site.

    I have 70 lbs to lose. In the past I have felt so overwhelmed by the amount that I was frozen in fear. I stopped looking outside of myself for the quick fixes, diets, trainers, this one and that one telling me what I should do. Easy for them to say. I realized I had some left over baggage I had not dealt with me that food comforted in a way no one or nothing could.

    I prayed for faith and trust in God and ask some prayer warriors to pray for me. For the first time in a long time I feel free. I don't have to ask anyone for anything. I know how to choose the right foods and how to exercise. GOD knows I have been trough it for years.

    I look forward from feed back and meeting new friends. It is a journey not a destination. If we are all strong together we can do this. Just like the biggest loser.

    :happy: :happy:

    Hi there! :)

    When I started, I had 77lbs to lose so I know the feeling. I'm almost halway there, yay! ;)

    Good luck, you can do it!! Mfp is a great help and you're right you do everything as you want, there's no magical recipe, you just count your cal. Plus, it's free! ;)

    Add me if you want, I'm supportive :)

  • Midnight1210
    Midnight1210 Posts: 134 Member
    Welcome to MFP. This site - it works. It works if you have the determination and committment, as well as a good group of support pals.

    I know all about the "quick fixes" and agree - the only real way to success is by looking within and finding the strength to take that first step and then staying on the path.

    I'd be glad to support anyone in their journey to a new self, so feel free to add me.