Just starting out

Hi all

I am just starting my journey, I am already extremely surprised but what I eat... and just how large my consumption is on some days.

I am going to use mfp to monitor and hopefully plan my weight loss.. not really a diet tool just an awareness tool.

Would love to know how other people use the site, and what good cheat foods people have found, I am a perpetual snacker.. and that’s where I consume a lot of calories, well some in coke and Jack Daniels as well. Ooh and a lot of chocolate.

It’s probably important to know I am a big fat man at this stage, 18st but carry it way to well as no one seems to know how over weight I am.


Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter


  • jdcole67
    jdcole67 Posts: 108 Member
    Welcome aboard Ian -

    I too was amazed after just a few days of using this tool at the number of calories I was consuming...I have battled weight for the most of my adult life, and now that I can see the numbers, I know why...

    I have been using the site for about 3 weeks now and have already lost over 5 pounds...the awareness of my daily target makes my eating choices much simpler, and for the last 2 weeks I have been more dedicated to making my exercise goals as well...those "extra" calories you earn come in handy once in a while, and allow you to stay within your plan...

    Good luck to you!
