I can't seem to get this right.

Either I am eating really good foods but always under eating in calories or I am eating bad foods and either under eating calories or going way over the top. I know the McDonalds I have recently been eating is no good. (I find it funny that before I started dieting I never even ate McDonalds unless it was an "Emergency" meal or I was travelling.)

I just can't seem to get the balance right and now I have gained back two of my lost kilos (Although I have been told some of this weight may be because of my monthly cycle.)

Can someone please help me?

Note: I hate nuts with a passion, so please don't suggest I eat them.

Note #2: I really want to work on reducing my carb intake, my friend did that and she has lost weight so quickly.

Note #3: My goal weight is 49-50 kilos so about 15 to go and I want to lose as many as possible before March next year.


  • Hi there Medilia :-) If you want to lose weight you have to be 100 % commited.......And you need to eat HEALTHY FOODS.......Its really hard I know.......I use to eat KFC and Mc Donalds everday......Here is a list of foods to avoid when you are loosing weight -


    white bread
    white rice
    high fat milk ( 99% fat free milk is ok )
    high sugar energy drinks
    fastfood burgers


    chicken breast ( no skin )
    lean red meat
    milk ( 99% fat free )
    Rolled Oats
    puffed wheat
    yoghurt ( Low fat )
    Green tea
    sakata rice crackers ( snack )

    If you follow this example I guarantee you that you will shed the weight :-D
  • Arrabindi
    Arrabindi Posts: 169 Member
    Hi there Medilia :-) If you want to lose weight you have to be 100 % commited.......And you need to eat HEALTHY FOODS.......Its really hard I know.......I use to eat KFC and Mc Donalds everday......Here is a list of foods to avoid when you are loosing weight -


    white bread
    white rice
    high fat milk ( 99% fat free milk is ok )
    high sugar energy drinks
    fastfood burgers


    chicken breast ( no skin )
    lean red meat
    milk ( 99% fat free )
    Rolled Oats
    puffed wheat
    yoghurt ( Low fat )
    Green tea
    sakata rice crackers ( snack )

    If you follow this example I guarantee you that you will shed the weight :-D

    I really don't agree with this. There is no such thing as "good food" and "bad food". Everything can be bad for you in large amounts, and small amounts of anything won't hurt you. It's about moderation and eating a well-balanced diet. I eat potatoes, pasta, noodles or rice almost every day and bread every single day and have lost over 35 pounds. I eat cheese and ice cream frequently, but I make sure to eat a lot of vegetables and stay within my calorie goals.
    Try increasing the amount of vegetables and lean meat you eat and eat a little junk food every now and then if you need to.
  • I simply told Madilia that the foods to AVOID are the carbs.......And the foods to eat are the healthy foods...........you need to ready more carefully perhaps :-)
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    Funny, I was able to "shed weight" while eating every high carb item on that list on a regular basis....LOL But whatever...and in what world is cheese high carb?? Unless you are trying to avoid the fat content, in which case eating fat does NOT make you fat. Stay in your calorie goal, unless you have an underlying medical condition where you can't have carbs then you are fine.
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    sorry double post
  • tubbyelmo
    tubbyelmo Posts: 415 Member
    I don't avoid foods, if I fancy it and it will fit in my calories I have it, however, I have had to work on my portion control a lot. My diary is open so you can have a look. I'm certainly no expert but what I am doing seems to be working at a pace that I am happy with. I eat potatoes, rice, pasta or bread on most days. I have increased my intake of vegetables, and I'm enjoying every mouthful, I guess it helps that I love to cook. Add me as a friend if you like, we can support and encourage each other.
  • quiltingducky
    quiltingducky Posts: 103 Member
    It is funny how when we go on a "diet" all we seem to think about are the foods we can't have, which makes us end up wanting them all the more.

    Think of this as a lifestyle change and not a period of deprivation. If you truly think you will be able to live the rest of your life w/o ever eating carbs again, then go for it and eliminate them. I can tell you from experience that yes you can eliminate them for a while, but eventually you will go back to eating them and maybe even overindulging in them.

    I am 47 years old and quite overweight. I've tried the low carb diet a few times - heck my husband cut out all carbs and lost 150 pounds, but some years later after eating them once again, he's gained back that 150 pounds plus some. Granted, this took about 5 years, but it does come back if you stop watching what you are eating.

    This time I am eating WHATEVER I want but in moderation and with greater portion control. I am an ice cream fanatic and yes I've had ice cream a few times, but I measure out the portion. I love french toast and I've had it twice in the last 70 days (lower calorie and less syrup and lower calorie bread). I eat oatmeal 6 days out of 7 for breakfast. It fills me up and keeps me going for about 3 hours until the next meal. I enjoy fruits and veggies more often these days too and they have carbs, but they are also a good source of fiber.

    All of this is working so much better for me than eliminating carbs. As long as it fits in my allotted calories, I eat it. I am now into my third month of losing weight and this is the longest I have stuck with any weight loss plan. I feel that I can eat in social situations like a "normal person" without calling attention to the fact that "hey I'm the fat girl trying to lose weight AGAIN".

    Just my opinion and speaking from my experience. Hope you find a balance that works for you.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I simply told Madilia that the foods to AVOID are the carbs.......And the foods to eat are the healthy foods...........you need to ready more carefully perhaps :-)

    Puffed wheat, oats, honey are all carbs so I don't quite get your rationale. There is no need to avoid foods or label foods "good " or "bad". Maintain a calories defict that is reasonable and manage your macronutrients and you'll do fine. There's absolutley no need for lists like this. Why make it harder than it has to be.
  • FitFabFlirty92
    FitFabFlirty92 Posts: 384 Member
    Hi there Medilia :-) If you want to lose weight you have to be 100 % commited.......And you need to eat HEALTHY FOODS.......Its really hard I know.......I use to eat KFC and Mc Donalds everday......Here is a list of foods to avoid when you are loosing weight -


    white bread
    white rice
    high fat milk ( 99% fat free milk is ok )
    high sugar energy drinks
    fastfood burgers


    chicken breast ( no skin )
    lean red meat
    milk ( 99% fat free )
    Rolled Oats
    puffed wheat
    yoghurt ( Low fat )
    Green tea
    sakata rice crackers ( snack )

    If you follow this example I guarantee you that you will shed the weight :-D

    None of this is true. You don't have to categorize foods as good or bad and eliminate half of what you usually eat. If you're within your calorie limit and getting in more healthy food than you were before you started, you're doing fine.

    To the OP, I used to have the same problem as you, and I solved it mostly through trial and error. On days where I've eaten really healthy and my calories are too low, I feel no guilt adding in a few treats to get my numbers where they need to be. I had to practice to learn how to portion things out properly so I didn't get carried away and go over, and of course there are days when I mess up. But eventually I got the hang of it, and as a result I can eat a little bit of everything and still lose weight. :)
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Hi there Medilia :-) If you want to lose weight you have to be 100 % commited.......And you need to eat HEALTHY FOODS.......Its really hard I know.......I use to eat KFC and Mc Donalds everday......Here is a list of foods to avoid when you are loosing weight -


    white bread
    white rice
    high fat milk ( 99% fat free milk is ok )
    high sugar energy drinks
    fastfood burgers


    chicken breast ( no skin )
    lean red meat
    milk ( 99% fat free )
    Rolled Oats
    puffed wheat
    yoghurt ( Low fat )
    Green tea
    sakata rice crackers ( snack )

    If you follow this example I guarantee you that you will shed the weight :-D
    No. Maintaining a calorie deficit sheds the weight. Avoiding certain foods while focusing on others does nothing for weight loss if you aren't controlling calories.

    I've pretty much eaten everything on your "OMG DON'T EAT THIS!!!!!!11111" list and lost over 60 pounds and have had no trouble maintaining that loss.

    It especially makes no sense when you said you were saying to avoid carbs, yet half your "foods to eat" list are carbs, and half your "foods to avoid" list are not carbs. Do you actually understand what you are talking about? Or are you just parroting something you heard somewhere?
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Are you monitoring your calorie intake? Start with that. High carb/low carb foods should make very little difference when it comes to weight gain as long as you watch calories.
  • kandilynn03
    kandilynn03 Posts: 110 Member
    I don't have anything to add, I just wanted to commiserate. It seems if I try to eat good, healthy, whole foods, I can't get nearly enough calories in a day. If I go out and just get junk sometimes I don't hit my target and sometimes I go way over. If I exercise more, it gives me more calories to eat, but exercising curbs my appetite so that I'm not hungry.

    As for dieting, I mostly cook what I know I like, and try to make healthy changes to it. For example, when I make fajitas, I double the veggies and use low carb tortillas. When I make spaghetti, I add spinach, onions, mushrooms and bell peppers, and use olive oil instead of butter. I've also been trying to make more salads instead of garlic bread. But, I've got a lot to lose and these changes have helped, but I will probably have to make bigger changes, and get more strict to make it to my goal.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I simply told Madilia that the foods to AVOID are the carbs.......And the foods to eat are the healthy foods...........you need to ready more carefully perhaps :-)

    Puffed wheat, oats, honey are all carbs so I don't quite get your rationale. There is no need to avoid foods or label foods "good " or "bad". Maintain a calories defict that is reasonable and manage your macronutrients and you'll do fine. There's absolutley no need for lists like this. Why make it harder than it has to be.

    Agree with this. I eat carbs all the time.....and it obviously hasn't hindered my progress.

    Just because your friend lost weight not eating carbs doesn't make it the "right" or "reasonable" way to do things. Why not just practice moderation and serving sizes?