Reebok Easy Tone Shoes

Has anyone tried these new shoes yet? Skeechers has a verion too.
They are suppoesed to help you tone your legs and butt as you walk.

Would like some feedback before I go spend $100 on them...



  • sara_f
    sara_f Posts: 29 Member
    I was wondering about the reebok ones as well....since when do REEBOKS cost more than $100??!!
  • epcollet
    I wear them especially when I do errands with the kids in-tow. Pushing a giant cart with 2 kids in it with those shoes on and I can feel it in my butt! I like them alot, but I have no idea how many calories they burn...
  • opal1980
    yes I have seen these to, but it was a different brand other than the ones mentioned above...i too was interested...think I saw them on ebay can't remember...but there is a watch off Ebay i am gonna get. it's a digital watch with the time but also tells u how many calories u are burning by the rate of your heartbeat..a decent price too
  • heinz4u
    Im saving 100 bucks ive heard both good and bad so im not going to try...If you do would love to hear what you have to say and the skettchers i think are ugly lol .
  • kgasser
    kgasser Posts: 333 Member
    I have the Sketchers and wear them to work everyday...there is only one thing to say...LOVE THEM!!! Well worth the $100, and trust me I didn't spend it lightly! I bought them before I started exercising, and I bought them because they were comfortable. Figured the "workout" was crap...but much to my surprise my calves hurt for 3 days. Needless to say, they worked me out. Also they make you stand straighter and taller. I will tell you that they are not steady like a regular pair of shoes. Definately would not hike in them! But taking them off and putting my regular Sketchers make the regular ones feel like strapping on a 2x4!
  • marujita
    I also have the Sketchers shoes, and like them a lot (besides being pretty ugly). I do feel them working my legs and butt more than regular shoes. But the best part is (and the main reason I decided to buy them) my lower back pain is GONE and they seem to really help my posture. It took a while to get used to working out in wasn't easy. I usually walk fast on the treadmill and I had to slow it down a few points when I first started wearing the shoes.
  • Bevgreen1
    Bevgreen1 Posts: 11 Member
    So I bought a pair of these Friday night. I really like them! I can feel a little burning in my upper legs and butt.
    I just need to get out and walk around the block in them. So far I have only worn them to the mall and the grocery.
  • Carleybby
    To be honest, I'd like to get the reeboks just because you can also design them yourself !
    I'd love to have some designed by me work out shoes.

    I think it's 20 dollars extra, but I'd like to get them.
    If they work, thats great...
    If not, I still have some nice looking shoes.

    Though, I'd much prefer them to work :P