Weight Train, loose weight - - but not use protein Powder?



  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Ok, so I've been using MFP for about 6 months now, and have been creeping - - I mean checking out - - people's food diaries for ideas of tweaks that I can make in my own nutrition plan. I've set my goals to be 40/30/30 based on discussions with an athletic nutritionalist, but it always seems that I'm sort on the protein category.

    When I look at those food diaries, it seems that most people who are serious about weight training and loosing weight use multiple meals with Protein powders to supplement their protein intake. My problem is that the protein powders make me want to seriously YAK! It's not the taste - - it's the texture, and the idea of eating "not real" food just doesn't sit right with me (since this is my new lifestyle).

    Anyone else have suggestions about how to up your protein intake without powders and not killing your calorie intake at the same time? I love eggs and greek yogurt, but there have to be other ways to get more with less calories . . .

    Looking at others food diaries is fine, just remember we all have different goals. If you're an elite athlete in say, cycling or running, your needs will not be the same as men, or bodybuilders, or powerlifters and so on. How do you feel on the amount you are eating now? Keep in mind the actual research is done in kilograms, not lbm.
  • nehushtan
    nehushtan Posts: 566 Member
    .... mixing it up with some almond with and lite cool whip ....

    meant to say almond MILK, not almond with
  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 626 Member
    The average American gets more that enough protein. You don't need to worry about it :)

    To maintain a sedentary lifestyle, yes. That's true.

    And for people who work out regularly, including most athletes. Of course, the companies who sell supplements don't want you to know that.

    Of course, if you have a wasting disease or are training for Mr. Universe, that might be another story. But even those are considered on a case by case basis.

    Depends on the athlete, yes runners dont take in as much protein because it is slower to digest...but anyone looking to build muscle and bulk is going to want 1g of protein per pound of LBM. Those who are looking to tone and cut BF% are also going to want high protein to sustain muscle while lifting and cutting. Since body builders do both bulking and cutting, you will see them preach protein most often, but even the normal person looking to cut while retain muscle will be in a high protein cycle until they achieve maintaince weight.