Prediabetes Freak Out

My father had heart disease and type 2 diabetes. My lab results just came in from my doctors office and I was told my cholesterol is fine but I am at risk of diabetes. The receptionist said they recommend getting more exercise and following a diabetic diet.

I just reached my goal weight. I'm 5'8" 130lbs (30 years old) and I exercise 5-6 times a week. I eat lots of fruits and vegetables and whole grains. I'm hoping the test was skewed because it was taken during a week that I was making truffles for the cast of a show I was in.

Should I be freaked out? Is anyone else here prediabetic? Could this be a truffle fluke?


  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I doubt it was a fluke.

    You are Insulin Resistant, so yes you will have to be very mindful of the amount of carbs you eat.

    Stick with carbs in the following order and you will be able to get those numbers back to a normal state.............

    Vegetables first and foremost (especially green leafy vegetables)
    Fruit - limit fruit intake to no more than 1 or 2 small servings per day
    Legumes and grains - if you can't give them up, then severely limit them to just a serving or 2 per WEEK

    If you can adjust to this lifestyle, then you will not develop Diabetes and will actually reverse your numbers back to normal.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    If you already exercise and eat well, you should see a dietitian.
  • Sylkwyrm
    Sylkwyrm Posts: 75 Member
    I thought whole grains were good for a diabetic diet...?
  • PaprikaPrincess
    PaprikaPrincess Posts: 89 Member
    I wouldn't freak out. If you can afford a blood sugar monitor and test strips (Cvs sells cheap generic monitors) test for a week. I have morning blood sugar issues but my a1c is normal.
  • gddrdld
    gddrdld Posts: 464 Member
    I am a RD and Cert. Diabetes Educator...Prediabetes (otherwise known as "Insulin resistance" or "glucose intolerance") is diagnosed either by a fasting blood sugar between 100 and 125 or an A1C of 6.0-6.4% or by a Glucose Tolerance Test where your blood glocose rises above 140 but not above 199. If you had a random blood sugar test and were NOT fasting then you need to ask for 1 of the above tests to get a definative diagnosis.

    If you are prediabetic, you should definately work with a Registered Dietitian to learn how to eat right and control the types and amounts of carbs you are eating to meet your bodies needs. Also increase exercise, focusing on resistence (strength) training. Muscle is very sensitive to the hormone insulin, so building muscle can essentially help reverse insulin resisitance.

    Being diagnosed with prediabetes and treating it aggressively with diet and excercise can give you a 75% chance of preventing the onset of type 2 diabetes. Also, side note...There is NO such thing as a "Diabetic Diet". The American Diabetes Assoc. has not promoted a specific macronutrient breakdown or "diet pattern" since 1994. The recommendations are to eat a basically whole foods type diet that supports optimal health for the individual and that vary in composition from person to person greatly.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    I am a RD and Cert. Diabetes Educator...Prediabetes (otherwise known as "Insulin resistance" or "glucose intolerance") is diagnosed either by a fasting blood sugar between 100 and 125 or an A1C of 6.0-6.4% or by a Glucose Tolerance Test where your blood glocose rises above 140 but not above 199. If you had a random blood sugar test and were NOT fasting then you need to ask for 1 of the above tests to get a definative diagnosis.

    If you are prediabetic, you should definately work with a Registered Dietitian to learn how to eat right and control the types and amounts of carbs you are eating to meet your bodies needs. Also increase exercise, focusing on resistence (strength) training. Muscle is very sensitive to the hormone insulin, so building muscle can essentially help reverse insulin resisitance.

    Being diagnosed with prediabetes and treating it aggressively with diet and excercise can give you a 75% chance of preventing the onset of type 2 diabetes. Also, side note...There is NO such thing as a "Diabetic Diet". The American Diabetes Assoc. has not promoted a specific macronutrient breakdown or "diet pattern" since 1994. The recommendations are to eat a basically whole foods type diet that supports optimal health for the individual and that vary in composition from person to person greatly.

  • trigger2354
    trigger2354 Posts: 25 Member
    In addition to resistance training, high intensity intervals have been shown in numerous studies to improve insulin resistance. See here

    If your current cardio workouts are pretty much of the long, steady state variety, you may want to consider turning them into shorter, high intensity interval workouts and see what that does to your test results.
  • ski0721
    ski0721 Posts: 109 Member
    I also tested as a prediabetic. A few times now :frown:.Trying to get my number of 120 down by switching up diet. Maybe I will try switching up my exercise routine and doing HIIT.
  • Sylkwyrm
    Sylkwyrm Posts: 75 Member
    I am a RD and Cert. Diabetes Educator...Prediabetes (otherwise known as "Insulin resistance" or "glucose intolerance") is diagnosed either by a fasting blood sugar between 100 and 125 or an A1C of 6.0-6.4% or by a Glucose Tolerance Test where your blood glocose rises above 140 but not above 199. If you had a random blood sugar test and were NOT fasting then you need to ask for 1 of the above tests to get a definative diagnosis.

    If you are prediabetic, you should definately work with a Registered Dietitian to learn how to eat right and control the types and amounts of carbs you are eating to meet your bodies needs. Also increase exercise, focusing on resistence (strength) training. Muscle is very sensitive to the hormone insulin, so building muscle can essentially help reverse insulin resisitance.

    Being diagnosed with prediabetes and treating it aggressively with diet and excercise can give you a 75% chance of preventing the onset of type 2 diabetes. Also, side note...There is NO such thing as a "Diabetic Diet". The American Diabetes Assoc. has not promoted a specific macronutrient breakdown or "diet pattern" since 1994. The recommendations are to eat a basically whole foods type diet that supports optimal health for the individual and that vary in composition from person to person greatly.

    Thank you so much for chiming in and for the advise!
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    I was diagnosed prediabetic in June of this year, after losing 40 lb to get to my goal weight, so I can empathise with you.

    I failed a fasting glucose test at my physical, and then was called back in for a follow up glucose tolerance test, which I also failed. My A1C is fine though.

    I am slightly confused by the fact that the receptionist was giving you advice - why not the Doctor? Or have you just not met with the Doc yet - I was called back in for a consultation when they got the second result. I also go to a prediabetes education class so I can more fully understand the disease, and what I can do to prevent the onset of type II. See if you can go to one (mine has a dietician there too), and if you can get a prescription for a glucose meter and test strips. The meter is cheap - the supplies, not so much. Learn as much as you can! This is a treatable disease.

    I eat pretty much what I want - my diary is open if you want to look! I do try to limit my carbs, and spread them out over the day. No sweet tea or regular soda, or cakes though. And I do eat more veggies now than I used to. My sugar has been mostly OK, but a bit high (102-109) some mornings.

    I exercise 5-6 times a week. Strength training 3x per week and cardio on other days.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want!
  • Sylkwyrm
    Sylkwyrm Posts: 75 Member
    I was diagnosed prediabetic in June of this year, after losing 40 lb to get to my goal weight, so I can empathise with you.

    I failed a fasting glucose test at my physical, and then was called back in for a follow up glucose tolerance test, which I also failed. My A1C is fine though.

    I am slightly confused by the fact that the receptionist was giving you advice - why not the Doctor? Or have you just not met with the Doc yet - I was called back in for a consultation when they got the second result. I also go to a prediabetes education class so I can more fully understand the disease, and what I can do to prevent the onset of type II. See if you can go to one (mine has a dietician there too), and if you can get a prescription for a glucose meter and test strips. The meter is cheap - the supplies, not so much. Learn as much as you can! This is a treatable disease.

    I eat pretty much what I want - my diary is open if you want to look! I do try to limit my carbs, and spread them out over the day. No sweet tea or regular soda, or cakes though. And I do eat more veggies now than I used to. My sugar has been mostly OK, but a bit high (102-109) some mornings.

    I exercise 5-6 times a week. Strength training 3x per week and cardio on other days.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want!

    Thank you very much for sharing! After I told the receptionist that I work out 5-6 times a week she said "Oh, would you like me to send you some information on Prediabetes then?" To which I replied "YES!" and then she said, "would you like me to send you your lab results to?"
    After I get my results I'm going to scheduled an appointment to talk with my doctor about them.
  • axialmeow
    axialmeow Posts: 382 Member
    If you at all feel this was a fluke, get re-tested. You have a family history of it so you may be prone to it even at a healthy weight. I am insulin resistant too. Its pretty common.
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    OK - that makes sense. Was this just from fasting levels, or from the tolerance test (where they make you drink that yucky sugar solution?). If you haven't had the tolerance test yet, ask to do that - it's more definitive than simply fasting levels. Definitely go talk to your Dr, and ask about getting a meter and supplies and about any classes there might be in your area.

    It is definitely a bummer to find out you have this, but it can be managed with slight lifestyle adjustments. Good luck!
  • joannathechef
    joannathechef Posts: 484 Member
    I do a limited carb diet of about 100-120 grams a day that works for me and I seem to doing well but the secret is to get a blood glucose monitor and note your blood 2 times a day on a revolving cylce

    Day 1 When you get up - fasting then 2 hours after breakfast
    Day 2 Before lunch - 2 hours after lunch
    Day 3 before dinner - 2 hours after dinner

    Watch for what you eat and how it effects your sugar levels you can see what foods are bad for your sugar (this may not be the same for other people)

    I avoid sugar, cakes, pastries, non berry fruits, and white starch, bread, potatoes, rice, pasta but I do eat root veg like carrots and sweet potatoes in small amounts plus whole grains & pluses like barley, quinoa, kasha, lentils etc. Plenty of greens and lean protein - this works well for me - good luck
  • Slavic_Spice
    Slavic_Spice Posts: 78 Member
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    I would get the test done again. I have hypoglycemia, so I am also concerned with developing diabetes. But if you haven't "worn out" your pancreas or become insulin resistant, the chances are slim you would have diabetes. Did you used to be overweight or did you have a diet high in carbohydrates and sugars previously in your life? This could put you at risk. But yeah, if it were me, I would just have it repeated. Mistakes can be made.
  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member
    If you already exercise and eat well, you should see a dietitian.

    Yes, yes, and yes this is the best thing to do. You could take the test again, but if it runs in your family a dietition can put you on the path to eating right and lowering your risk.
  • DisRetUSN
    I am a diabetic. First I limit my sugar intake - my numbers got better. Then I limited the number of fruits I ate (use the nutrition guide here to see how much sugar you are inputing from your fruit alone. It is a lot). There are carbs out there that don't hurt you: lettuce, carrots, celery, broccoli to name a few. A good dietitan will have all that information for you. Your doctors office will have it too. My wife is now pre diabetic and we are commited to losing the weight so we will not damage organs (her fasting glucose tolerance test was 199 yikes). You have reached your goal, now just adjust your diet and keep up the excersise. You can do it. Also ask for an A1C test, a glucose tolerance test and a diabetic nutritional consult (nutritionist). take this as seriously as you did getting in shape. It does not have to effect your life drasticly. :happy:
  • DisRetUSN
    I thought whole grains were good for a diabetic diet...?

    in limited quantities. whole is better. remember that while all sugars are carbs not all carbs are sugar. You need to put a carb watch on your food chart and watch your sugar intake also. :-)
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    if you reduce your weight by just 5lbs you reduce your risk of diabetes...

    why is the receptionist telling you this advice and not your doctor????