Do you exercise before or after work?



  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    After work - I meet so many duvets in my work day I need something to unwind with in the evening!
  • doggiesnot
    doggiesnot Posts: 334 Member
    First, Thanks for being a teacher!

    I noticed when I first started working out that I had more energy when I worked out. I used to think the same as you, that "I don't have energy to work out", but in fact, once you work out, you will find that you have even more energy for the rest of your day (or evening).

    I personally recommend working out in the morning. Maybe get a 30 minute workout tape and wake up 30 minutes earlier, also going to bed 30 minutes earlier. If that works out well, you can add workouts in the evenings as well, since you will have more energy, even after a hard day at work.

    Hope that helps, and good luck on your journey!
  • SyStEmPhReAk
    SyStEmPhReAk Posts: 330 Member
    Before work... 4am!
  • ohheyy125
    ohheyy125 Posts: 295 Member
    after...usually around 9.
    Some days its earlier though..depends on my schedule.
    I actually like it this way. I'm so unmotivated in the morning.
  • tbodega
    tbodega Posts: 186
    I prefer after work. I love my sleep in the morning!
  • JeffTCole
    JeffTCole Posts: 140 Member
    In the afternoon after work. I leave for work before 7am and have an active job. I walk 3-5 miles outside and climb lots of stairs every work day. I pass the gym on the way home.Works for me.
  • DonnaLeeCattes
    DonnaLeeCattes Posts: 492 Member
    I fine that if I don't get up and do my workout in the morning I won't do it at all.
  • wigglewaddle
    wigglewaddle Posts: 2 Member
    Yes I exercise before and also after work. When I do the afternoon shift I go and exercise in the morning. When I am on days I exercise right after work, on my way home. I have even began swimming in the morning from 07:30 to 09:00. So needless to say is when I am on afternoons I will go swim for about an hour and then go exercise after. Sometimes I do my regimented routine or pick up a class from spin to yoga to tone up and stretch to pilates. It all depends on how tired I am and how I feel. This seems like alot at times but I am really trying. I still have a way to go.

    I have actually been quite diligent to go and exercise and not make any excuses. Even when I work evening at the hospital and on call I will go and exercise on my way home at 06:00 am. If I had a rough nite I will still go and do cardio. For at least I still did something.

    I am 58 years old and yes it is easy to go straight home from work but you really have to keep trying to work out. Now that I have been doing this regime since June of this year I even miss exercising if I don't go a day or two. I don't expect to be a skinny minny but a healthy, little lighter, slightly toned and happier person.

    Good luck, keep on trying and don't give up. Once you find what works for you everything will fall into place and make it easier to exercise.
  • 9JANE
    9JANE Posts: 21 Member
    I work part-time and I execise every morning at about 6:00a. m. if I am working that day I getup at 5:30 and go straight to the gym. :smile:
  • TommiEgan
    TommiEgan Posts: 256 Member
    Lucky for me I get the best of both worlds. Although I get to work aorund 7:10am, I have a good hour and a half before I need to be ready for work So i usually get a 20-30km cycling session in before work. Not to mention my afternoon commute home ranges from 18-24 kms home I get a really good amount of cardio done each day!
  • Tat2dDom0105
    Before work... 4am!

    Same here. I get energized after breaking a nice sweat, which helps me be more productive at work.
  • angelamary61
    angelamary61 Posts: 97 Member
    I exercise week day mornings, if I didnt I would talk myself out of it and it would be such a chore in the evenings. It also invigorates me and I think releases those feel good endorphines.
    Sometimes if I am home alone I will do more at night but doesnt seem such a drudge to do another 20 minutes.

    Also I find if I dont want to I just tell myself to do 10 or 15 minutes and trick myself into thinking it wont take long but I always wind up going for longer. its the thought of 30 - 40 minutes enough to put you of sometimes.

    Shame we have to do this when it should be a pleasure.
  • Br4ndi
    Br4ndi Posts: 177
    I always work out in the morning, even though I am not a morning person. If I don't, I won't get it done, not with a full time job and two kids. Up at 4:30, get to the gym by 5:15, back home at 6:15, leave for work at 7am. :)

    My same routine, times and two kids and a FT job
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    both actually on alternate days. Run in morning before work. Zumba and strength in evening after work
  • IGotUrPistola
    Before and After.
  • strawberrytoast
    strawberrytoast Posts: 711 Member
    I look up to all the people who do exercise in the morning

    Doesnt matter if im working at 8am or 12pm i can only get out of bed in time to get ready for work.

    I usually exercise about 9pm or later
  • mrso97
    mrso97 Posts: 147 Member
    i have a couple different exercise patterns..depending on if i work days or nights...the dogs ALWAYS get walked for at least 30 mins in the am...if i am working days..i exercise after dinner..if i am working nights...i go in at 1pm..i walk and workout in the am..and on my days to work i take the dogs at night...on the one night i work..i sometimes take the dogs..but if not my husband does before i get lost without a workout...i do find that when i work nights ..the am workout kills me!!
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Usually after work. Sometimes, I wake up early for no reason, so sometimes, I'll just bust it out. It's nice to come home and not have to work out. But, the trick is, DO NOT SIT DOWN. Walk into the house, put on your workout clothes, and go workout. Do not sit, don't check your mail or look at email, don't start a conversation with anyone, just get it done. That must be a priority. If I sit, that's it. I'm out.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    I suck at working out in the morning. The longest I've ever been able to keep that up was 6 weeks, and then, without fail, I would decide I didn't need to get up one morning and that one morning turned into three months. Every one of those days I would say, "well, it's too late now, I'll just try again tomorrow." And on and on and on.

    I get off work at about 5:40 and then I pick my son up and go home, make dinner, eat and then wait an hour before exercising. That's just better for me. I want the results and I tell myself that even if I don't want to, it's important that I fulfill my obligation to myself and I'll feel better when I'm done, and then I do it. Usually that's around 8:00.
  • RobfromLakewood
    I get up at 5:15 to be out the door by 6:00 AM, for a starbucks visit and at work by 7:00, any earlier would be tough, but I was thinking of maybe 15 minutes earlier, plus have more of my stuff together and start each work day with a 2 mile jog. But with my schedule, it's an after work thing.

    On the weekends though, I am usually out on my bike for 25-35 mile bike ride by 8:00 AM.