Let Me Introduce Myself With My Story

Hi Everyone:

My name is Katherine. I joined this MFP 11 days ago now. I'm very excited about this journey. The girls I work with have been on this for 7 months now and they have lost a tremendous amount of weight. I was shown a picture of them when they started and what they look like today. I was so impressed and inspired. I had to get on this program to see if I can accomplish the same thing. The support these girls have been giving me is phenominal. I really don't know how I can fail with the system I have in place. I've lost 6 lbs. since I started and some inches already. I was in totall shock when I got on the scale as it's so short a period of time. Actually, I thought, it's just my imagination. Well, the scales don't lie and neither does this program. Being a visual person, I find this the easiest way for me to see what I'm to all day. No calculating. The math is all done for us. How wonderful. I look forward to seeing what I'm going to look like when I reach my 7 months milestone. One Day At A Time is how I'm going to get there. If there are others on here who would like to support me, I'm open to new friends. I have decided to take the bull by the horns and get myself into a healthier lifestyle so I can enjoy life to the fullest without the pain I suffer from being overweight. I've been checking out the graphs for Carbs, Sugar etc. and they are very interesting. I've been reading success stories here too and find them inspiring. I'm working on getting more active with treadmill and ab doer exerciser. I belly dance once a week and I dance once a week and two if I'm lucky. I actually went to the grocery store today and I found myself talking about this program to the cashier. She said she had come here and I said, so tell me your results and she said, she never did the program. Well, when I got to talking to her about what I have done so far, she said she will come back and start doing it and next time I come into the grocery story, she will ask me how I'm doing and give me a report on how she's doing. So, you see, even in 11 short days, we can be an inspiration to others. I hope she does it for her sake because that's really the only way this works. I have decided to do this for myself for the first time in my life. I feel I am worth helping since I've already helped soooo many other people with soooo many things. I hadn't taken any time for myself. This is my new life and my new journey to discovering all the wonderful treasures I will find along the way that I've long forgotten over the years of packing on pounds. I'm up for the adventure !!!


  • Gr8ChangesAhead
    Gr8ChangesAhead Posts: 836 Member
    Welcome to mfp and your journey to a healthier new you. I started in April and have lost a little over 50lbs so far, so it works as long as you work at it. All friend requests welcome. Good luck !
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member

    but I didnt read your wall of text.

    it really helps for long posts to break it up into paragraphs.

    good luck
  • amandainez08
    amandainez08 Posts: 87 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss! When I first started, I dropped seven pounds in what seemed like an instant. Don't be too bummed if your weight loss doesn't keep up like that. Usually, when a person begins a weight loss program (or what I like to call a life style change), you mainly lose all the water weight you had been retaining. I've lost 14 pounds so far and I've been able to keep it off no problem. I even took a vacation to Disney World in September, ate what I wanted, came back home, and weighed about the same, give or take a pound or two. That is the best part about this program. If you stick to it, and you don't limit yourself...you'll be able to lose it and KEEP IT OFF (which is the most important factor to me). I'm taking the slow approach to it, but it's working for me! Good luck on this journey!
  • Goddesskat
    Goddesskat Posts: 71 Member
    Thank You Dave and thanks for the tips in writing my posts. :smile:
  • Goddesskat
    Goddesskat Posts: 71 Member
    Thank you Amanda. I appreciate any information that comes my way and you sound like you are a very practical person. I will take this info and put it in my memory bank and pull it out when I need it. :smile:
  • Goddesskat
    Goddesskat Posts: 71 Member
    Thank you for your words of encouragement Kimi. I appreciate this very much. :smile:
  • alabamaworley89
    alabamaworley89 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm so proud of you for deciding to stick with this Katherine. I know you can do it and have just as much success as Angela and I have had. Now you just need some MFP friends for more motivation!
  • sherri33s
    sherri33s Posts: 104 Member
    God luck Add me for support
  • Wow wonderful!! I'm so Happy and am behind you 110% of the way! I'm so happy that we can all do this together and be there for each other. Amazing job on losing the first 6 pounds! I know you can do this, and so do you! Welcome to MFP :) Keep up the amazing work, you are doing so wonderful. Only good things from here! :D